Number two makes more sense to me actually considering that I believe that all of the evil in the world must be a work of the devil. It's still all very sad and tragic though.
amen - i agree with #2 also
1. the beginning principles are if we resist the devil he will flee
so how do we resist the devil?
2. we have thoughts - feelings - beliefs - imaginations - words
when we do something with our whole heart and being we get the best results
3. to see things change we must first find out what God's will is
scripture is full of promises and facts
we get God's help to find a scripture promise or fact (fulfilled promise) to know for sure what God says and then we
4. talk to God about that promise or fact - asking what is our part to receive this promise/fact
this point takes focus and committment
5. when we hear or receive instructions from God we do them and keep checking back with Him on how we are doing and what more we can do or believe
6. often times subsequent instructions are aids to help us get our thoughts - emotions - beliefs - imaginations - words in synchronicity - iow if we say what scripture says but our imagination sees failure - we are not in whole hearted agreement with God's will
is this our fault? - not in my experience - we often have reasons why one part of us agrees with God and another part of us is scared or unbelieving
imo this is the great work God helps us with - getting all parts of us agreeing with what God's promises and facts declare
7. as we grow in synchronistic whole-being agreement with what God says we experience greater successful results - this is an ongoing experience for all of us - we are all growing in this area
as we grow in this we can actually affect situations of all kinds for ourselves and others - wind and waves - crowds of people - health issues - social issues - etc
8. we start where we are at and keep working with God to get stronger and better at applying His truth and promises to all situations that are not right - to the point that we can do what Jesus did - and He said we would do GREATER than what He did - wow doesn't that show us how much we need to grow to get to that point? - but it is all possible because Jesus says so - and HE means everything HE says
9. so we have an exciting adventure in store for us - lots of room for growth - and God's promise to help us get to this awesome place in Christ