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[__ Prayer __] I just don't understand


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I am a christian and I have no doubt of that, Something in me is just off Idk how to explain it. I just don't understand.
May y'all join with me in prayer that God will reveal to me what is going on inside?
Is there anything specific we might be able to help with? Not saying we can 'reveal' anything or have the 'answer' but perhaps we have gone through something simular and relate to how we came to our knowledge?

What is it exactly that you are doubting?
Idk how to explain. I'll try though. Sorry if I am a little vague.

Last night while I was at a banquet/concert I felt weird. I didn't feel sad, yet I didn't feel happy. I was almost emotionless. There is some stuff that has been going on in my home that maybe could relate to it. Maybe I should share?
Idk how to explain. I'll try though. Sorry if I am a little vague.

Last night while I was at a banquet/concert I felt weird. I didn't feel sad, yet I didn't feel happy. I was almost emotionless. There is some stuff that has been going on in my home that maybe could relate to it. Maybe I should share?

There is no need to share yet if it is too personal. Take these troubles to God, straight to God, tell Him everything that worries you, talk to Him about the 'stuff' that's been going on in your home and ask that He helps you to understand it, how to deal with it righteously and how to overcome it according to His will, and ask in Jesus name.

...Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give [it] you.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:23-24

At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you:
For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. John 16:26-27

Jesus told us that we can go straight to our Heavenly Father with our prayers, and ask for anything in his name because God loves us.

I will pray tonight that God will answer your prayers in such a way that you can understand and that any depressive forces are bound from influencing you.

Peace be with you.


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