I just read Time magazine

I was in the dentist office and picked up a Time magazine dated June 15th
Hey, guess what?
Trump is doing a pretty good job.
I don't keep up with things but I was impressed by the Times article.
I thought they were against him at one time.
I guess they thought it was good to jump on the Trump bandwagon.

Anyway, go look back way to the beginning, and you'll see I was the first on this forum to endorse Trump.
Listen to me, I know what I'm talking about.

I endorsed him the day before that, lol. I didn't think he would win but I knew he was a better choice than...the other one.
Funny. I think Trump is the greatest embarrassment to the office of president of all the presidents.
Buchanan was a terrible failure but he wasn't crass or unable to have empathy and compassion.
Funny. I think Trump is the greatest embarrassment to the office of president of all the presidents.
Buchanan was a terrible failure but he wasn't crass or unable to have empathy and compassion.
Funny. Obama seemed to have a lot of empathy but did nothing for no one,,,

I don't particularly want compassion or empathy from a politician. I want what Trump is doing...creating jobs, putting America first. Someone is finally doing what needs to be done. I could care less if Europe likes him or not...WE have to like him by what he does for US.
But what has he done for us lately?
Personally, I think this is part of our problem. We all look for what they can do for us when in reality the job of the President of the United States is not internal so much as it is external. When this country was first organized back around 1776, the federal government had very little power and almost zero to do with internal issues. Those were handled by the individual states because in reality, we were organized somewhat similar to the EU with each state being its own pseudo-sovereign entity. I say pseudo-sovereign because they were never independent countries exactly but united to a common relationship, hence the name "United States of America." Over the years, we have grown the federal government and the states have lost that sovereignty and now we expect the federal government to take care of us in all aspects of our lives.
Personally, I think this is part of our problem. We all look for what they can do for us when in reality the job of the President of the United States is not internal so much as it is external. When this country was first organized back around 1776, the federal government had very little power and almost zero to do with internal issues. Those were handled by the individual states because in reality, we were organized somewhat similar to the EU with each state being its own pseudo-sovereign entity. I say pseudo-sovereign because they were never independent countries exactly but united to a common relationship, hence the name "United States of America." Over the years, we have grown the federal government and the states have lost that sovereignty and now we expect the federal government to take care of us in all aspects of our lives.
I agree with you and I also don't care to be taken care of.
I'd just like the financial freedom and liberty to take care of myself. The govt should only intervene in rare cases.

At the beginning, the govt only served to protect its citizens,,,then it took over more and more responsibilities; schooling, refuse control, water, social problems, transportation, infrastructure, etc. Today we have a federal govt that does everything and it would probably be impossible to get along without it at this point.

On the other hand, it also made it possible for the U.S. to grow and be the best country on earth. What if NJ wanted Interstate 90 but not North Carolina? (or would it be Ohio?)
On the other hand, it also made it possible for the U.S. to grow and be the best country on earth. What if NJ wanted Interstate 90 but not North Carolina? (or would it be Ohio?)
Did you mean that to be funny? Got me laughing since those states are not even close to bordering each other. If you were serious, I apologize for poking fun. Geography is not everyone's strong suit.

At any rate, if the federal government wanted to install an interstate highway system, which it did, it should be required to gain the permission of the states involved rather than just pushing it through regardless. What some see as progress may not be what others see as progress.
Did you mean that to be funny? Got me laughing since those states are not even close to bordering each other. If you were serious, I apologize for poking fun. Geography is not everyone's strong suit.

At any rate, if the federal government wanted to install an interstate highway system, which it did, it should be required to gain the permission of the states involved rather than just pushing it through regardless. What some see as progress may not be what others see as progress.
No! I was serious!!

I can't remember if 90 runs North - South or East - West!
If it's No - So it would be North Carolina
but if it's East - West it would be Ohio.


This is what I get for moving away.
I agree.
But what has he done for us lately?
I do remember that you endorsed him.
BTW, he's a Nu Yawka like me.

hello wondering, dirtfarmer here

Good to see you still post "once in awhile".
Been missing our conversations.
Saw that reba posted the other day.
have missed conversing with both
hello wondering, dirtfarmer here

Good to see you still post "once in awhile".
Been missing our conversations.
Saw that reba posted the other day.
have missed conversing with both
You're a lady's man
you didn't say nothing about me...
hello wondering, dirtfarmer here

Good to see you still post "once in awhile".
Been missing our conversations.
Saw that reba posted the other day.
have missed conversing with both
I really missed you too...it's nice to be back home.
I look forward to speaking to you too.
every picture tells a story
if he only knew yours.....

Anyone caring to look at actual labor department stats, the rate of job creation has been virtually the same for going on 7 years. Look it up.
No! I was serious!!

I can't remember if 90 runs North - South or East - West!
If it's No - So it would be North Carolina
but if it's East - West it would be Ohio.


This is what I get for moving away.
I-95 runs through NJ - NC, and beyond, in both directions.

I-80 runs from NJ - OH and beyond. I-90 runs through OH but off the top of my head I don't remember if it passes through my home State of NJ.

Even numbers are supposed to run east-west. I think that's why nobody here in WI has any sense of direction, I-94 runs North south from Milwaukee to Chicago before resuming east west, having cleared Lake Michigan.
I-95 runs through NJ - NC, and beyond, in both directions.

I-80 runs from NJ - OH and beyond. I-90 runs through OH but off the top of my head I don't remember if it passes through my home State of NJ.

Even numbers are supposed to run east-west. I think that's why nobody here in WI has any sense of direction, I-94 runs North south from Milwaukee to Chicago before resuming east west, having cleared Lake Michigan.
I-90 goes from Boston to Detroit and beyond
I heard that the unemployment rate is 3.7 %. Is this true?

As true as our reporting gets, yes. The figures aren't based off meaningful information last I knew; if you stopped collecting unemployment benefits, you suddenly aren't unemployed anymore! Duh. As if nobody's benefits expire and they get tired of looking.

There is a real labor shortage; THAT is a meaningful indicator.