I missed It !?! True story .


Staff member
May 16, 2021
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One evening I was home alone my wife still at work and my pastor came by and visited a few minutes . About ten minutes after my pastor left I was in my living room and heard the most beautiful hallelujah chorus !

I could not locate the source of the chorus and thought , " It's The Rapture ! Lord I am ready ! " But I was disappointed because nothing happened , I was still standing in my living room . Now I was perplexed . A few minutes go by and again I hear the hallelujah chorus ! ! This time though I am hearing a direction on the sound . It is coming from the recliner my pastor had been setting in during his visit . I found his cell phone down in the recliner , the hallelujah chorus was his wife's ringtone ? .
One evening I was home alone my wife still at work and my pastor came by and visited a few minutes . About ten minutes after my pastor left I was in my living room and heard the most beautiful hallelujah chorus !

I could not locate the source of the chorus and thought , " It's The Rapture ! Lord I am ready ! " But I was disappointed because nothing happened , I was still standing in my living room . Now I was perplexed . A few minutes go by and again I hear the hallelujah chorus ! ! This time though I am hearing a direction on the sound . It is coming from the recliner my pastor had been setting in during his visit . I found his cell phone down in the recliner , the hallelujah chorus was his wife's ringtone ? .

If he was really tricky, he'd leave it in people's couches with a deep voice that said, "Repent, you sinner. Lest you suffer the wrath of God."

I wonder if I could set my wife's ring tone to do that....