I feel bad for needing reassurance that God does care about me and will do something to help me in my situation. I have always wanted to do something good for the Lord and for the world. I studied medicine, got the highest marks, have always been a high achiever ( I think one thing that motivated me was my mom. She raised me as a single parent, and I saw her struggle, I felt her pain and I wanted to give back and make her proud) . Along the way, I stumbled across an evil person who was much higher ranking than me. He had a lot of influence over everyone and decided to stand in my way and cripple my progress and success for no reason other than making himself feel good. I prayed and called on God to save me from him but he did nothing. Now as a result, I’m in a place where I don’t want to be, in training that I don’t want to be in but I don’t have any other choice. I can’t support my mom and I’m embarrassed about my career outcome. I’m having trouble believing that God will help me. I’m having trouble believing that it will get better because it’s only gone from bad to worse. God didn’t show up when I needed him . I asked him for something better but he didn’t give me that. I’m starting to think that he doesn’t cate about me or my prayers. Why did he put in me a desire for a certain specialty or career if he is not letting me get that career? Does God really care? Will he do anything for me?