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I think that God has forgotten me and put me into the 'Who's going to Hell' book.


I have always been a christian. I am not 17 years old and turning to 18 soon and my faith has grown up more and more, I know that God and Jesus exists but it's sometimes hard to accept. However, I've fell in a depression also I don't really know what should I do. Do you know the feeling that you should do in example an essay for the next week but you don't want to because it's boring and your too lazy also it makes you very anxious. Well I've got same feeling but in a difference section. I am talking about Heaven and Hell. I think I've never been in this anxious before, I'm already gone far away from the edge that I am not anymore anxious because I feel that Hell is waiting and nothing can do about it. I've already got an anxious disorder but still I've never been this anxious before, I can't live my life anymore.

I've been reading an articles of the mark of the beast. It's the scariest thing in earth I know, however when the mark of the beast will be given by a RFID chip or any chip I will refuse to take it. Anyways, I read an article that H1n1 Swine flu vaccination would have included a mark of the beast. Of course I took it because my mother forced me to take it ( She's true christian ) well I took it because I heard that you could get couple free days from the school because you might get sick. I was young and never read the bible before neither knew of the beasts numbers and stuff. After I had taken it I've seen warning that 'You will go to hell if you take H1n1 swin flu vaccination' well since then I've been anxious because I know what is hell about and I am so scared. I feel like God hasn't even answered my prayers anymore, I'm just scared to death that if I jumped from the bridge, I'd go to hell if anyways get there, at least I wouldn't have pain in this life, only in hell.

Don't worry I am not going to jump from the bridge because I still believe that I might have at least 0.1% possibility to get in Heaven. What you think about this?

Thank you for spending time by reading this.

If you love the Lord your God, and believe in Him, not of yourself, then you are saved by his mercy and love to eternal life.

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)

<sup class="versenum">11 </sup>For I know the plans<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-19647A&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference A&quot;>A</a>)">(A)</sup> I have for you,†declares the Lord, “plans to prosper<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-19647B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">(B)</sup> you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

John 3:16

New International Version (NIV)

<sup class="versenum">16 </sup>For God so loved<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137A&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference A&quot;>A</a>)">(A)</sup> the world that he gave<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">(B)</sup> his one and only Son,<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137C&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference C&quot;>C</a>)">(C)</sup> that whoever believes<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137D&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference D&quot;>D</a>)">(D)</sup> in him shall not perish but have eternal life.<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137E&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference E&quot;>E</a>)">(E)</sup>

John 10:27

New International Version (NIV)

<sup class="versenum">27 </sup>My sheep listen to my voice; I know them,<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26509A&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference A&quot;>A</a>)">(A)</sup> and they follow me.<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26509B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">(B)</sup>

<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26509B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">That help?
If you love the Lord your God, and believe in Him, not of yourself, then you are saved by his mercy and love to eternal life.

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)

<sup class="versenum">11 </sup>For I know the plans<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-19647A&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference A&quot;>A</a>)">(A)</sup> I have for you,†declares the Lord, “plans to prosper<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-19647B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">(B)</sup> you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

John 3:16

New International Version (NIV)

<sup class="versenum">16 </sup>For God so loved<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137A&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference A&quot;>A</a>)">(A)</sup> the world that he gave<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">(B)</sup> his one and only Son,<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137C&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference C&quot;>C</a>)">(C)</sup> that whoever believes<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137D&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference D&quot;>D</a>)">(D)</sup> in him shall not perish but have eternal life.<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26137E&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference E&quot;>E</a>)">(E)</sup>

John 10:27

New International Version (NIV)

<sup class="versenum">27 </sup>My sheep listen to my voice; I know them,<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26509A&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference A&quot;>A</a>)">(A)</sup> and they follow me.<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26509B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">(B)</sup>

<sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;#cen-NIV-26509B&quot; title=&quot;See cross-reference B&quot;>B</a>)">That help?

But what's the thing in the Bible 'If you worship Satan or have mark of the beast in your right arm or in head you shall drink blood of God's hate' or somehow like that. What if it was somekind of future Mark of the Beast prototype. Why people says that? It makes me anxious and stuff.
But what's the thing in the Bible 'If you worship Satan or have mark of the beast in your right arm or in head you shall drink blood of God's hate' or somehow like that. What if it was somekind of future Mark of the Beast prototype. Why people says that? It makes me anxious and stuff.

I think you need to stop reading that junk and stop being distracted from the person God wants you to be...

Focus on how God wants you to live and when you start to grow in scriptural knowledge, then go play in revelation or you'll get taken by every psycho out there that talks about that junk.
But what's the thing in the Bible 'If you worship Satan or have mark of the beast in your right arm or in head you shall drink blood of God's hate' or somehow like that. What if it was somekind of future Mark of the Beast prototype. Why people says that? It makes me anxious and stuff.

Regardless of what happens in this life, God's promises are comforting, and as you mature in Christ his word comes to light.

I'd suggest focusing on what you can get your head and heart around and know you have nothing to fear in Christ. Do you read the bible? What are some of your favorite passages, stories, verses? How has God had a positive impact on you thus far?
Footprints in the Sand Poem

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonged to me, the other to the Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it. “Lord, you said once I decided to follow you, You’d walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me.â€

The Lord replied, “My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of suffering, when you could see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.â€
I have always been a christian. I am not 17 years old and turning to 18 soon and my faith has grown up more and more, I know that God and Jesus exists but it's sometimes hard to accept. However, I've fell in a depression also I don't really know what should I do. Do you know the feeling that you should do in example an essay for the next week but you don't want to because it's boring and your too lazy also it makes you very anxious. Well I've got same feeling but in a difference section. I am talking about Heaven and Hell. I think I've never been in this anxious before, I'm already gone far away from the edge that I am not anymore anxious because I feel that Hell is waiting and nothing can do about it. I've already got an anxious disorder but still I've never been this anxious before, I can't live my life anymore.

I've been reading an articles of the mark of the beast. It's the scariest thing in earth I know, however when the mark of the beast will be given by a RFID chip or any chip I will refuse to take it. Anyways, I read an article that H1n1 Swine flu vaccination would have included a mark of the beast. Of course I took it because my mother forced me to take it ( She's true christian ) well I took it because I heard that you could get couple free days from the school because you might get sick. I was young and never read the bible before neither knew of the beasts numbers and stuff. After I had taken it I've seen warning that 'You will go to hell if you take H1n1 swin flu vaccination' well since then I've been anxious because I know what is hell about and I am so scared. I feel like God hasn't even answered my prayers anymore, I'm just scared to death that if I jumped from the bridge, I'd go to hell if anyways get there, at least I wouldn't have pain in this life, only in hell.

Don't worry I am not going to jump from the bridge because I still believe that I might have at least 0.1% possibility to get in Heaven. What you think about this?

Thank you for spending time by reading this.

I'm not sure where you got that from but, no, you will not go to hell for taking the vaccine. I'm not sure what the Mark of the Beast is but I'm quite certain it won't be something hidden in a vaccine and likely something that one will be conscious of.
Hello Ben, I just read your post and I can sense your anxiousness and despair and I wanted to begin with some Scriptures found in 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 which read:

"(3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." KJV

Along the same lins Ephesians 6:12 tell us:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." KJV

Ben if you are born again then the fears and depression you are experiencing about going to hell are because you are believing the lies of satan. These verses I just shared convey clearly that believers have an enemy and in 1 Peter 5:8 we are told:

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." KJV

It is sad to say that many Christians are not only not vigilant, but they are indifferent and unaware that they have an adversary that is working to devour and destroy. The good news is that the key words in this verse are "may devour" - you do not have to let him. WHen you were born again you were delivered from the darkness to light and from the power of satan unto God (Acts 26:18) but satan continues to attempt to do his work and his # 1 method is with lies and this is why Jesus calls him the father of lies (John 8:44). These lies will cause fear and torment and they are seen in the paranoia over receiving the mark of the beast in a vaccine - don't believe this trash. For starters, no one knows for certain what the mark actuall is and even if it is a microchip or somehting similar, it is not going to be something that someone sneaks into you by putting it into your orange juice or hiding it in a vaccine - it is something people will willingly choose to take because without it they will not be able to buy or sell (Revelation 13:17). You need to avoid reading fear propaganda and study the Word (i.e. your Bible). With regards to how you feel your prayers are not effective this is also tied to your fears and doubt. When we approach God in prayer it must be by faith (full assurance and confidence) and to help demonstrate this see Hebrews 11:6 and James 1:5-8. If you are born again (see Romans 10:9-10) then you are a child of the Most High God and you can pick your chin up because the Father loves you as He loves Jesus (John 17:23). You can do this not out of arrogance but because Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we can come boldly to the throne room of grace. Jesus says in John 10:10

" The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." KJV

The thief Jesus is referring to to is satan and his plan is only evil; he will destroy your peace, your health, your family, and your confidence, IF you let him. Jesus has come to give you life and life more abundantly - a life with peace, assurance, joy, and blessing.

I would suggest you:

1. Ask for forgiveness for doubting the Lord's ability to save and believe you receive it.
2. Get into your Bible.
3. Use the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) How you ask? Like Jesus did when He defeated satan's temptations in the wilderness (Matthew 4) by responding to them with the Word of God. When some thought of despair comes, you need to respond (even out loud) with what the truth found in the Word of God says. For example: you might respond to some of the things coming against you with Romans 8:38-39 which says:

"(38) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to comes,
(39) Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." KJV

This idea seems strange to some but it is what Jesus did and He left it for our example. Believers are not victims and no one is going to trick you into hell with a flu vaccine. Romans 5:17 says:

"For if by one man's offense death reigned by one: much more they which receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ." KJV

It is time for you to reign over the lies and stop being "rained upon". Christ Jesus has won you the victory. God Bless and I will pray for you!
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Thanks people it helped me out, i'm already having an anxious disorder and i get anxious very easily. But I am wondering that let's say if the RFID chip would be the Mark of The beast and someone took it and it's claimed as Mark of the beast could god forgive him?
Hey buddy,
Listen, I take medicine for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and anxiety. This is a really powerful verse I am about to share.

1 Peter 5:7
English Standard Version (ESV)
7* casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Now believe and trust Jesus. Man, he loves you without measure. Let me share one more with you okay?

Revelation 3:20
English Standard Version (ESV)
20*Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

Honest and powerful stuff pal. Read it and say it over and over, remember that you are a beautiful child of God and he wants you. He is knocking at your door, let him in.
I have always been a christian. I am not 17 years old and turning to 18 soon and my faith has grown up more and more, I know that God and Jesus exists but it's sometimes hard to accept. However, I've fell in a depression also I don't really know what should I do. Do you know the feeling that you should do in example an essay for the next week but you don't want to because it's boring and your too lazy also it makes you very anxious. Well I've got same feeling but in a difference section. I am talking about Heaven and Hell. I think I've never been in this anxious before, I'm already gone far away from the edge that I am not anymore anxious because I feel that Hell is waiting and nothing can do about it. I've already got an anxious disorder but still I've never been this anxious before, I can't live my life anymore.

I've been reading an articles of the mark of the beast. It's the scariest thing in earth I know, however when the mark of the beast will be given by a RFID chip or any chip I will refuse to take it. Anyways, I read an article that H1n1 Swine flu vaccination would have included a mark of the beast. Of course I took it because my mother forced me to take it ( She's true christian ) well I took it because I heard that you could get couple free days from the school because you might get sick. I was young and never read the bible before neither knew of the beasts numbers and stuff. After I had taken it I've seen warning that 'You will go to hell if you take H1n1 swin flu vaccination' well since then I've been anxious because I know what is hell about and I am so scared. I feel like God hasn't even answered my prayers anymore, I'm just scared to death that if I jumped from the bridge, I'd go to hell if anyways get there, at least I wouldn't have pain in this life, only in hell.

Don't worry I am not going to jump from the bridge because I still believe that I might have at least 0.1% possibility to get in Heaven. What you think about this?

Thank you for spending time by reading this.


Hi Ben,

im not sure if anyone has responded to your comments regarding going to hell, etc.
However, i can tell you on the authority of the Word of God that you, if you have truly been born again, if you have trusted Christ as your savior, then there is no chance you can ever go to any place but heaven.
Its a done deal once its done.....
See Ben, its very simple.
Now think about this...
When you were born, you were birthed., right?
Well, can you unbirth yourself at this point?

Its the same with being born again by faith.
Once you have this spiritual birth, its done, and cant be unborn again.
Literally, its impossible.
And you cant sin yourself into hell after you die, because Jesus already paid for all your sins.
You have a full and irrefutable pardon for life.
So never again allow the idea that you are going to hell dig into your emotions and mind.
If , Ben, u truly trusted Christ, TRULY trusted him, and perhaps you can recall the exact day and time and situation when this occurred, then from the instant this happened you became Gods and will remain so till eternity ends.
And Ben, eternity never ends.

And Ben, if you really have not put your faith in Christ,... if,... you really have not done so sincerely, then today is the day of salvation, and now is the time.
Its really simple, Ben,
If you take Christ by faith, the best way you know how..., then God takes you for eternity.
Take him today, if you have not truly done so already.

Acts 16:30,31

be blessed,

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You've received a lot of good advice here, I hope you take it all into your heart. As Kidron said, if you believe in Christ, there is no way you are going to go to hell.

As for the mark of the beast, this might be helpful to keep in mind.

I know that a lot of us older ones around here will remember when nobody ever had heard of an RFID chip.... but boy, I remember, and I bet some of the older ones around here remember as well the hysteria and hype about how UPC codes were the mark of the beast...

Yep, UPC codes... those things printed on labels of stuff so that laser scanners can scan the prices. There was a lot of preaching, teaching and fear spread about UPC codes... many sincere believers became worried sick, wondering how to shop for food for their families and avoid the code.

Well, as we can know, the UPC code wasn't the mark of the beast. You can go to the store, buy a Snickers bar, have it scanned and you won't be forever condemned to hell.

I don't know why Christian preachers and teachers, who should be first and foremost concerned with testing things carefully to see if they are true, get so caught up and sucked into hysteria like this. And, because other Christians are inclined to trust what pastors and teachers tell us, many get caught up as well.

I'm sure you know how Google works... a person Googles something, Google picks up key words and organizes the results based upon the popularity of websites that deal with the keywords..

For instance if you Google "christian forums", you find our very own to be second or third on the list. The means a lot of people who are Googling "christian forums" check us out.

Here's a little exercise for you... go head and do this...;)

Google "I am the vine"...

Google "there is salvation in no one else"...

You will find that the first things that come up are links to Bible verses. This means that when people search for these things, they are looking for the actual bible verse that these phrases are connected to... after the bible verses you'll find links to various sites that have preachings, teaching, even songs with these phrases in them, but first and foremost you will be directed to the Bible itself.

Now, Google "mark of the beast"...

Where's the links to biblecc or biblegateway and Revelations 13:16? You can go through page 1 of search results, page 2... I got all the way to page four before I even found a link with a reference to the Bible in it. I gave up trying to find a link to any on-line bible sites like Biblos Online Parallel Bible or Bible Gateway...

This means that people go to sites out there devoted to what preacher and teachers think the mark of the beast might be... rather than devoted to what the Bible actually says the mark is.

That's important to remember, my friend.

Here is what the bible actually says about the beast...

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who *had the wound of the sword and has come to life.<sup class="versenum"> </sup>And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.<sup class="versenum"> </sup>And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,<sup class="versenum"> </sup>and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Revelations 13

I didn't add the whole 666 thing, and I emphasized some things, because I want you to consider the situation here with the beast.

First of all, before John even gets to speaking about the mark, he speaks of how everyone will worship the beast. It is worshipping this beast that will cause people to fall... those who worship the beast will receive it's mark. Those who do not worship the beast will be killed. Also, the mark is intrinsically tied in with the name of the beast... not a title, not a technological dohicky, but the actual name of the beast.

Now, as a Christian, you have a mark to, you have the seal of the Holy Spirit upon you. As a Christian, you will not worship the beast.

So much is made about those who worship the beast going to hell.... But really, all who worship anyone other than our Lord face the same fate. However, those who rest and trust in the Lord, need not worry about this beast.. Will times be bad?


But, contrary to what you might be thinking, sweetie, the Lord will never forget nor forsake you. And, He isn't going to put you into the "who's going to hell" book, especially not for getting a vaccination.

The bible urges us to "test the spirits"... check things out thoroughly, see if a teaching, preaching, YouTube video, website, is from God or someone else. The way to do this is to examine what is being said with the Bible itself... not what someone else says about it, but what the Bible says. One thing the Bible tells us is that God never, ever forgets us or forsakes us.... so those thoughts you have that are saying such things... they're wrong!!!

Ben, I really urge you and everyone else in your generation to become diligent students of God's word... The bible compares the word of God to a sword, a weapon of both defense and offense. With your "sword" you can both protect yourself and fight against the enemy... And your sword is your bible. Immerse yourself into it, learn it, prayerfully take in what it has to teach you, and not only will you cease to fear and be frightened about these things, you will be well equipped to help others stay with the Lord and not be deceived by these things as well.
I have always been a christian. I am not 17 years old and turning to 18 soon and my faith has grown up more and more, I know that God and Jesus exists but it's sometimes hard to accept. However, I've fell in a depression also I don't really know what should I do. Do you know the feeling that you should do in example an essay for the next week but you don't want to because it's boring and your too lazy also it makes you very anxious. Well I've got same feeling but in a difference section. I am talking about Heaven and Hell. I think I've never been in this anxious before, I'm already gone far away from the edge that I am not anymore anxious because I feel that Hell is waiting and nothing can do about it. I've already got an anxious disorder but still I've never been this anxious before, I can't live my life anymore.

I've been reading an articles of the mark of the beast. It's the scariest thing in earth I know, however when the mark of the beast will be given by a RFID chip or any chip I will refuse to take it. Anyways, I read an article that H1n1 Swine flu vaccination would have included a mark of the beast. Of course I took it because my mother forced me to take it ( She's true christian ) well I took it because I heard that you could get couple free days from the school because you might get sick. I was young and never read the bible before neither knew of the beasts numbers and stuff. After I had taken it I've seen warning that 'You will go to hell if you take H1n1 swin flu vaccination' well since then I've been anxious because I know what is hell about and I am so scared. I feel like God hasn't even answered my prayers anymore, I'm just scared to death that if I jumped from the bridge, I'd go to hell if anyways get there, at least I wouldn't have pain in this life, only in hell.

Don't worry I am not going to jump from the bridge because I still believe that I might have at least 0.1% possibility to get in Heaven. What you think about this?

Thank you for spending time by reading this.


Hell is simply the consequences of selfish behavior. For example, if I rob a bank, I go to prison.

So don’t worry about it. The Lord forgives us for our sins, after he disciplines us.