I was wondering, if God loved us so much, why wouldn't he just make himself known to each and everyone of us, instead of letting us live in a world of confusion where there are so many religions, conflicts of evidence etc that it wouldn't be our fault because of so much confusion in the world. Most people aren't even born within a Christian evironment so what happens to them? Is it wrong to question myself? I do believe in God & Jesus but I also question myself a lot of the times. Please don't be afraid to give me some advice on this. Bless.
First of all, we need to realize that in our fallen state, we really can't handle the presence of the Lord. If God revealed His full glory to us, we'd drop down dead. Not exactly the act of a loving God. This was why in the Old Testament, He always shrouded Himself in some way, via a burning bush or a cloud... even then, just the reflection of His glory was enough to forever physically change Moses.
So, then there was the time that God did come and come in a form that we could interact with. When Jesus came, He came and did things that made it pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that He was God.... and was rejected by all but a few.
I don't think we realize how much we humans can wrap ourselves into deception when faced with something we really don't want to believe and vice versa.
So, God works through the Gospel and the Gospel has been wildly effective, indeed spreading throughout the world. God most likely uses this way, because this way is the best way for us to come to know Him.
As for the many people who are born, live and die without ever hearing the gospel... I wouldn't worry too much about them. There is enough scriptural evidence to point that Jesus will deal with them with mercy and perfect justice for us to get all caught up in the what ifs...
As for the many people that do indeed hear the gospel and hear it with the Spirit opening their ears and rejecting it anyway... well, as farouk said, God holds people responsible for unbelief as well as faith.