1 Cor 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
If our bodies don't belong to us, and the apostle Paul tells us clearly that they don't (He gave it and thus it is His), then how can anyone, especially a Christian, believe they can do whatever they want to the body they were given?
Is a Christian free to eat, drink and ingest anything they want, whenever they want, without consequences or fear of retribution? Hasn't the appetite of man always been a problem that has led to sin and sadness? Did not Adam's appetite cause him to fall? Did not Noah's appetite cause him to fail? Did not David's appetite cause him to fail?
How then can we insist that "It's my body and I can do with it as I please?" And if a person feels that they can ignore the sound advice of God when it comes to eating something unclean, what right does that person have in pointing out that someone doesn't have the right to terminate a pregnancy?
If our bodies don't belong to us, and the apostle Paul tells us clearly that they don't (He gave it and thus it is His), then how can anyone, especially a Christian, believe they can do whatever they want to the body they were given?
Is a Christian free to eat, drink and ingest anything they want, whenever they want, without consequences or fear of retribution? Hasn't the appetite of man always been a problem that has led to sin and sadness? Did not Adam's appetite cause him to fall? Did not Noah's appetite cause him to fail? Did not David's appetite cause him to fail?
How then can we insist that "It's my body and I can do with it as I please?" And if a person feels that they can ignore the sound advice of God when it comes to eating something unclean, what right does that person have in pointing out that someone doesn't have the right to terminate a pregnancy?