Is it Yhwh's house ? Will He take care of it? What did the believers in Acts do? (and elsewhere).
(The Hebrew people and language had no word for "mine" - everything in their care or control was "Thine" (Yhwh's), even their hands and feet and hearts and minds and homes and clothes and children and animals. The 'selfish' idea of 'owning' something apart from Yhwh is widespread and most often idolatrous (in the world) until it passes through the cross (unto Yhwh), so to speak......
There are a few 'good' honest righteous landlords, just the same as in other professions or occupations - "a few", "a remnant", opposed to the majority and distinct from the wordly and the carnal.
Like Keith Green was, they are attacked by the others who seek money instead of Yhwh's Truth. (Keith Green was set apart to Yhwh immersed in Yeshua; He gave away a lot , albums, tapes, books and concerts all for the GOSPEL OF JESUS --- 'others' told him he couldn't do that! )
Likewise landlords(one or two pastors anyway) I've known who provided a safe place to live for the otherwise homeless, were attacked by the salvation army and the day center and then the governor of the state, because they wouldn't "get with the program" of the state(which got $50 to $550 federal money(tax dollars) per head per day/night someone stayed).