Probably true with this particular individual. When I read the article I looked for mention of his joy of having had his sins forgiven. I may have missed it, but I didn't see that. I always look for this when listening to people rant about Christianity and their exit from it.
The Bible speaks of weak vs. strong faith, not so much about faith vs. no faith. It's those who do not have firm root that go down deep that are not able to withstand church scandals, hypocrisy, and all the other buffoonery in the church around them (to which I've made my own contribution).
In the parable of the sower, they fail, not because they didn't believe, but because their faith was weak--not well grounded (Luke 8:13). Struggling with the desire for gay sex would certainly fall in the category of a time of temptation that Jesus gave for why a not well rooted planting of God would only "believe for a while". But, like I say, I'm not convinced this particular individual even got to the 'believing' part at all. He just signed up for a religion, found out it was to restricting to his personal desires and bolted.