So this morning I told God I give up on Christianity.
This is what often happens when you don't really know God.
There was a time when I wanted nothing more then to be a Biblical scholar, a prayer warrior, and proverbs 31 woman.
And God? What about knowing, loving and enjoying Him? Did you ever want these things? Did you ever want to live in daily submission to His will and way, dying to yourself so that the life of Christ might be revealed in you?
I had gotten out of a relationship with a Satanist and I was heavily demonized. I turned to prayer, fasting, and Chris Lasala's ministry BDS for deliverance.
I don't know anything about Chris Lasala and BDS but I do know of the long and God-blessed work of Dr. Neil T. Anderson: Freedom In Christ Ministries. He has helped many like yourself to know and walk with God and live in the spiritual freedom that is theirs in Jesus Christ. I recommend you check out the following link:
Unfortunately after being set free I could not break my addiction to sex
Then you weren't set free, were you? "If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed" Jesus said (J
ohn 8:36). Does this sound like the freedom you experienced? Not to me.
He knows that I don't condone sex outside of marriage or multiple partners but he doesnt care. Our relationship started with date rape and I have not cultivated the ability or the willpower to deny him when I feel these strong energies take over.
It's... interesting how you put the blame for your sin with this guy on
him, not you. This won't wash with God. You won't be able, at the Final Judgment, to dump the responsibility for
your sinful choices on someone else.
Even when I was delivered and working out my salvation with fear and trembling my enthusiasm for Jesus was heavily dampened by a toxic and abusive family situation.
You've quoted part of
Philippians 2:12 here. Do you know what the very next verse says? Do you know what it means? Your story reveals that you don't. And this is why, in part, you've met with such catastrophe in your life as a Christian.
I assaulted someone (twice), I smoked, I masturbated, I took shrooms, and smoked Marijuana. Luckily despite all my behaviors I did not get redemonized.
But you did get destructively
selfish, which is, really, all the devil wants. He knows that if he can make you as selfish as you've described here, you're well on your way to destruction.
After getting out of jail, despite every honest attempt to get my life together, I ended up on the streets for the first time in my life.
And God? How did He figure into your "honest attempts to get your life together"? Did you live in daily submission to His will and way? Were you constantly "walking in the Spirit"? Do you even know what this is and how to do it?
We bonded as friends and it was understood that sex would be involved.
He was no friend. Yuck.
I felt I had no choice because when you are on the streets alone as a female you are at risk for so much worse then casual sex with a male friend.
And God? How did He figure into your thinking here?
Despite being sober I have been getting symptoms of heavy drug use (or withdrawal?) as well as this dark energy that makes me feel sick all over. Heavy nausea, unexplained migraines, emotional turbulence. I suspect it could be that I am "one flesh" after these casual and regretful interactions.
Maybe. You've certainly thrown wide the doors of your life to the devil. But God can still truly free you, if you'll walk with Him in the way He's commanded you to. Not by self-effort, not by forcing yourself to "just do it," but by "walking in the Spirit" all the time and being transformed
by him.
I know in the Bible it says if you sin after being set free there is no more mercy left.
No, what it says is that when you sin willfully,
you cut
yourself off from the benefit of the sacrifice of Jesus for your sin and from the "way of escape" from sin that God has made for all of His children. Think of it this way: If you're in a burning building and the exit is across the room from you but you won't take it, whose fault is it if you burn to death? Yours.
You've refused to take the only exit that there is.
When you sin willfully, you do the same thing with the sacrifice Jesus made for you on the cross of Calvary that the person in the burning building has done with the exit. Through Christ's sacrifice, you can have peace and acceptance with God and joyful, holy life in the Spirit. There is no other way to these things except through what Jesus did on the cross. Your willful choice to sin, however, is a rejection of what Jesus did for you; it is an act of deep rebellion and pride that sets your will and way above God's and in so doing "treads underfoot the Son of God and does despite to the Spirit of grace" (
Hebrews 10:26-31). This is a very awful and dangerous path to walk! But it is
your choice to walk it that has cut you off from the benefits of the sacrifice of Jesus for your sin.
As it is its a crowded shelter and I can barely get any alone time with God.
You will get alone with God if you really want to.
I am also dealing with viscous attacks from the enemy each time I pray.
Well, of course you are. You can't make the choices you have and not find yourself in the jaws of the "roaring lion who seeks whom he may devour." (
1 Peter 5:8) If you want freedom from his terrible teeth, do as God has commanded:
Repent of (truly change your mind about) your sinful living (
James 4:6-10).
Confess (admit) your sin to God (
1 John 1:9).
Submit yourself throughout every day to God's will and way (
Romans 6:13; Romans 12:1; James 4:7).
So I told God I give up. I gave it a good shot but I just think being a disciplined Christian from a decent background is a luxury I never had in life.
I don't know what this BDS fellow told you, but it is plain as day that you don't know how to walk with God really at all. And so, here you are, ready to chuck it all in. Well, I can't blame you. You've not really understood what it is to be a child of God and how the Christian life actually works. This can change, though, if you want it to.
I'm just tired of feeling judged. I am tired of the guilt. I don't think humans should live without morals but I just think if I can't get a second chance then who needs God then. Can you guys tell me if I am doomed?
Guilt and shame are exhausting. But sin is soul-destroying. If you'll learn to walk rightly with God, the burden of guilt can be relieved and the destruction your life is suffering can cease. Jesus offers to us peace and rest, not constant shame and endless wrestling with sin; he invites us into joyful, holy fellowship with himself, not the staggering, sin-fouled life you've described.
Matthew 11:28-30
28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Psalm 16:11
11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.