I did not say we should not take the bible seriously at all!
And neither did Thinkerman suggest that.
The bible tells us when it is being symbolic,no mystery there.
Do tell.
The stars make sounds I have been told,and that is what I mean. Simply that stars do make sound.
I would assume they do, but the verse says they sing.
Listen, blueeyeliner, I read and believe the Bible. I'm a fundamentalist. I'm a young-earth creationist. But even I am getting tired of this back and forth. Maybe you should look into science and figure out where you think that scientists have went wrong instead of talking about interpretations and people knowing they are wrong, etc.
Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think for right now, you may be in over your head. Spend some time reading and learning more about this subject you intend to tackle and it may help.