Teaching faith without works, as the only Bible means of salvation and justification, is found to be inconsistent when teaching about faith and works.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
One the one hand, the words of Ephesians 2 are believed and taken literally, so that we can only be saved by, with, and through the means of grace.
But on the other hand, the same words of James 2 are not believed and taken literally, so that we cannot be justified only by, with, and through the means of works.
If we are not justified by works, then neither are we justified by grace. If being justified by works, does not mean with works, then being saved by grace, does not mean with grace.
In Daniel 7, the one speaking things against God, thinks to change times and laws. He thinks to change the very nature of things in this life. That certainly includes the natural meaning of words and numbers.
The inconsistency of teaching faith without works in the Bible, can only be done by changing the meaning of words from one verse to the next. The same words themselves are applauded in one place, but spoken against in another place.
Consistent Bible teaching is obvious, because it's just repeating the words with the same faith and literalcy in both places.
We are saved by grace, and we are justified by works.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
One the one hand, the words of Ephesians 2 are believed and taken literally, so that we can only be saved by, with, and through the means of grace.
But on the other hand, the same words of James 2 are not believed and taken literally, so that we cannot be justified only by, with, and through the means of works.
If we are not justified by works, then neither are we justified by grace. If being justified by works, does not mean with works, then being saved by grace, does not mean with grace.
In Daniel 7, the one speaking things against God, thinks to change times and laws. He thinks to change the very nature of things in this life. That certainly includes the natural meaning of words and numbers.
The inconsistency of teaching faith without works in the Bible, can only be done by changing the meaning of words from one verse to the next. The same words themselves are applauded in one place, but spoken against in another place.
Consistent Bible teaching is obvious, because it's just repeating the words with the same faith and literalcy in both places.
We are saved by grace, and we are justified by works.
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