The HolySpirit of God inspired me with this illustration on the topics of salvation; sanctification and baptism of the HolySpirit. Please enjoy the illustration.
1. A very dirty cloth lie on the floor:
this is' the state of a non christian. He or she is dirty and on the floor. Sin has kept him or her on the floor.
2. The dirty cloth picked up from the floor:
when the dirty sinner accepts Jesus as His Lord and Savior, he or she has been raised from the floor. He has risen above sin but still has his or her dirty clothes on.
3. The risen dirty cloth is washed and ironed:
This is the work of the Spirit of God through the washing power of the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7). Nobody will put on himself or herself a very dirty clothe that has mud all over it!
4. The now washed and ironed clothe is now worn:
this is the stage the HolySpirit takes full residence in this once corrupt and very dirty sinner if he or she asked Jesus for this great Gift (Luke 3:16)
5. The now clean cloth undergoes regular clean up for the duration of its lifetime:
though a Christian is now cleansed and baptized in the Holyghost, the process of cleaning continues and it is for a lifetime!
1. A very dirty cloth lie on the floor:
this is' the state of a non christian. He or she is dirty and on the floor. Sin has kept him or her on the floor.
2. The dirty cloth picked up from the floor:
when the dirty sinner accepts Jesus as His Lord and Savior, he or she has been raised from the floor. He has risen above sin but still has his or her dirty clothes on.
3. The risen dirty cloth is washed and ironed:
This is the work of the Spirit of God through the washing power of the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7). Nobody will put on himself or herself a very dirty clothe that has mud all over it!
4. The now washed and ironed clothe is now worn:
this is the stage the HolySpirit takes full residence in this once corrupt and very dirty sinner if he or she asked Jesus for this great Gift (Luke 3:16)
5. The now clean cloth undergoes regular clean up for the duration of its lifetime:
though a Christian is now cleansed and baptized in the Holyghost, the process of cleaning continues and it is for a lifetime!