What does ID say about who designed it? Nothing.
Exactly. Its not science. Its not a theory,its nothing. It adds nothing. The sciences are the studying and application of learned knowledge. If ID doesn't actually do anything, then its not science.
Science isn't concerned with who, so much as why.
You haven't provided a Why. You have provided nothing. As you actually stated.
Maybe you might want to know, but that isn't a question for science.
Unless you are asserting a theory that uses the "who" as its basis. Then its not science.
Apply ID to the human body:
You can't, you have yet to provide a model to use.
Is the human body designed? Yes, according to analysis by ENCODE.
Now I can call you a liar because Barbarian already unearthed that you are exaggerating and changing words to fit your assertion. At least the creation institute did this. You are just repeating this.
What does ID know about who designed it? Nothing.
Then its useless.
What does ID say is the purpose of the human body? Physiologically to eat, sleep, survive, and reproduce. But there's so much more to life than meets the eye.
Can we fix the human body? Only if we know how it works.
Wait, ID does not say any of that. You are taking other theories and claim they are ID. ID has not provided anything here.
Darwin's theory has taught medicine vestigal organs,
Vestigial organs were known before Darwin.
vestigial DNA (aka junk DNA),
No, Darwin's theory didn't state this because DNA was discovered a century later. Darwin wasn't even aware of genes.
and species improve with mutations.
Wrong again. Darwin never said mutations by themselves improve organism ( also he never said it improved species) That is why Darwin provided a model called natural selection. That explained how the theory worked. You do not understand the very thing you are trying to critique.
If medical research thinks people are evolving, why should they bother?
Because medical science is fitted around the same rules of Biology as Evolution and because of the theory of evolution, medical application has seen great strides in fields of Virology and Vaccines.
Medical research is just beginning to learn from ID.
No, there is no ID model to work with.
Knowing a body has an optimal design is HUGE in identifying problems and cures.
Where did evidence for the optimal designed body come from? Definitely not ID since ID doesn't have a model. You have also told me in another thread that you don't have evidence of an optimal body design. So what exactly is medical science learning from a theory with no model and an assertion without a specimen?
How does any doctor know it's broken? Unless he knows how it is supposed to work.
Actually its based on how something functions normally. IF your leg usually bends and suddenly it doesn't anymore, chances are its broken.
Science has recognized design for some time, they just finally made a theory about it.
Except the part where there is no theory because there is no model or function.
Even if I am not adept at explaining ID or convincing you, it is being accepted by more and more scientists.
Where are you getting your numbers? Are these scientists Biologists, physicists, or geologists?
Nobel prize winner Francis Crick accepts it, Dembski, Kenyon, Behe, Moran.
So what, have they developed a model for it?