- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Is America Cursed To Crawl On Its Belly?
When God cursed the serpent in the Garden of Eden God did more than transcribe a new existence for the cursed animal. In cursing the serpent God established a pattern of his judgment for all those who would mimic the serpent's deviousness and begin to use lies and temptations against others.
When Adam and Eve sinned God cursed them for their disobedience. God also cursed the serpent who started the whole mess. In cursing the serpent God said that it was now lower than all the livestock and wild animals and it was to crawl on its belly and eat dust all the days of its life.
The depiction of the cursed serpent is eerily similar to what many people today exhibit as they practice exactly what the serpent practiced in the Garden of Eden; lies, deviousness, and temptations. When one looks at all the individuals and civilizations that have denigrated into an animalistic existence we see that the curse of the serpent becomes an inescapable trait of their being.
Mankind was created with God's image and whenever mankind descends into an animalistic behavior which mimics the serpent where lies, temptations, and outright deviousness are practiced, then the curse of the serpent becomes applicable since man's behavior has now taken God's image lower than that of livestock or wild animals.
Many people today are decrying their own lack of success or achievement as an issue of 'economic justice' or 'social justice'. They see all of their efforts thwarted by some unknown force while they continue to practice all the sinister traits of the serpent which are lies and temptations.
When people choose to exhibit all the traits of the serpent, by spreading lies and temptations to recklessly thwart any and all responsible behavior, then they will inherit all of God's curses levied against the serpent and will be forced to crawl on their belly (hint: never achieve anything socially or economically meaningful and cannot rise out of their own circumstances) and will be forced to eat dust all the days of their life (hint: a minimal existence).
What many describe as an act of social or economic injustice, where people flounder in their daily existence, is in actuality the curse of the serpent being levied on anyone with a devious and sinful heart and mind.
As society continues to turn from the true God and Messiah of Israel – Jesus Christ - and seeks the sinful pleasures of being a serpent, full of lies and deviousness. They will continue to fall under the curse of the serpent and experience a life where their only achievement is crawling along the ground eating its dust.
Additionally, God's curse will apply to individuals as well as groups, for Satan had possessed the serpent in the Garden of Eden therefore God's curse will extend to any and all large groups of individuals for Satan represented all the fallen angels.
When a nation, or any other large group of people, practice lies and temptations, thwarting God's laws, then God will cast the same curse upon all those involved, meaning that even a whole nation can, and will, experience poverty and penury.
Turn from your sin, and all the sinful behavior of the serpent, and believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and you'll receive an existence with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit, in heaven forever.
God Bless
It is interesting that the serpent was the only animal who could speak in the Garden of Eden and this didn't cause Eve any concern, or alarm, that something wasn't quite right. Even Adam feigned ignorance of this fact since it was he who had named the animal a serpent when God brought it to him to be named!
Again, Eve knew that the animal who spoke to her was named a serpent. As this name was given to it by Adam who named every animal that God had brought to him. Therefore Eve was present when Adam gave the serpent its name and both Adam and Eve knew that the serpent hadn't uttered a single word. One wonders why, when the serpent began to speak, didn't this raise an alarm in them to seek out God, who was walking with them in the Garden, for an explanation?
I also find it interesting that the serpent only spoke in the presence of Eve and not when both Adam and Eve where together. Even when God cursed the serpent, after causing the sin of Adam and Eve, the serpent did not speak nor did God ask it to speak in its own defense as he did for Adam and Eve.
When a family has no husband, or father, Satan is free to move in and begin to spread lies and temptations as he did with Eve through the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Is it any wonder why we have so much turmoil and discontent in our society as families with no husband or father are rife with Satan's presence and influence.
God gives preeminence to the man in a marriage and in a family, for it was Adam, not Eve, who gave the serpent its name thereby declaring dominion over it. Since Satan had possessed the serpent the man now also has dominion over Satan as well.
So for long as the man remains faithful to God, Satan and all of the fallen angels cannot violate man's dominion gained through the naming of the serpent by Adam in the Garden of Eden! This is why Jesus is called the second and last Adam. Jesus has dominion over Satan and all the fallen angels when he became a man - born of a virgin to eliminate all demonic claims of dominion.
Again, when Adam named the serpent he was declaring man's dominion over both the serpent and Satan who had possessed the serpent. Just think of that, mankind gained dominion over Satan and all of the fallen angels when Adam named the serpent. Then Adam lost that dominion when he sinned. Subsequently Jesus Christ gained back that dominion once more when he was born sinless to a virgin and then lived a sinless life.
Mankind's dominion over Satan through the naming of the serpent is why God became man in the person of Jesus Christ. When Jesus became a man God regained dominion over the disobedient Satan, and all of the fallen angels, and Satan did everything to get Jesus to sin so Satan could take back that dominion.....but Satan failed!!!!!!!!!!!
The cross represents Satan's final attempt to rid himself of God's dominion by killing his son Jesus Christ. But through Jesus Christ's resurrection God's dominion over Satan remained. Jesus Christ's resurrection established God's dominion over Satan both in heaven and on earth. A complete and through everlasting checkmate!
This failure of Satan, in taking back God's dominion over him through the death of Jesus Christ, also allowed God to reestablish his dominion over all those who have sinned and now believed in his son Jesus Christ and restore them to be with God in heaven forever! God forgives all those who believe in the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ – God become man!
When God cursed the serpent in the Garden of Eden God did more than transcribe a new existence for the cursed animal. In cursing the serpent God established a pattern of his judgment for all those who would mimic the serpent's deviousness and begin to use lies and temptations against others.
When Adam and Eve sinned God cursed them for their disobedience. God also cursed the serpent who started the whole mess. In cursing the serpent God said that it was now lower than all the livestock and wild animals and it was to crawl on its belly and eat dust all the days of its life.
The depiction of the cursed serpent is eerily similar to what many people today exhibit as they practice exactly what the serpent practiced in the Garden of Eden; lies, deviousness, and temptations. When one looks at all the individuals and civilizations that have denigrated into an animalistic existence we see that the curse of the serpent becomes an inescapable trait of their being.
Mankind was created with God's image and whenever mankind descends into an animalistic behavior which mimics the serpent where lies, temptations, and outright deviousness are practiced, then the curse of the serpent becomes applicable since man's behavior has now taken God's image lower than that of livestock or wild animals.
Many people today are decrying their own lack of success or achievement as an issue of 'economic justice' or 'social justice'. They see all of their efforts thwarted by some unknown force while they continue to practice all the sinister traits of the serpent which are lies and temptations.
When people choose to exhibit all the traits of the serpent, by spreading lies and temptations to recklessly thwart any and all responsible behavior, then they will inherit all of God's curses levied against the serpent and will be forced to crawl on their belly (hint: never achieve anything socially or economically meaningful and cannot rise out of their own circumstances) and will be forced to eat dust all the days of their life (hint: a minimal existence).
What many describe as an act of social or economic injustice, where people flounder in their daily existence, is in actuality the curse of the serpent being levied on anyone with a devious and sinful heart and mind.
As society continues to turn from the true God and Messiah of Israel – Jesus Christ - and seeks the sinful pleasures of being a serpent, full of lies and deviousness. They will continue to fall under the curse of the serpent and experience a life where their only achievement is crawling along the ground eating its dust.
Additionally, God's curse will apply to individuals as well as groups, for Satan had possessed the serpent in the Garden of Eden therefore God's curse will extend to any and all large groups of individuals for Satan represented all the fallen angels.
When a nation, or any other large group of people, practice lies and temptations, thwarting God's laws, then God will cast the same curse upon all those involved, meaning that even a whole nation can, and will, experience poverty and penury.
Turn from your sin, and all the sinful behavior of the serpent, and believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and you'll receive an existence with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit, in heaven forever.
God Bless
It is interesting that the serpent was the only animal who could speak in the Garden of Eden and this didn't cause Eve any concern, or alarm, that something wasn't quite right. Even Adam feigned ignorance of this fact since it was he who had named the animal a serpent when God brought it to him to be named!
Again, Eve knew that the animal who spoke to her was named a serpent. As this name was given to it by Adam who named every animal that God had brought to him. Therefore Eve was present when Adam gave the serpent its name and both Adam and Eve knew that the serpent hadn't uttered a single word. One wonders why, when the serpent began to speak, didn't this raise an alarm in them to seek out God, who was walking with them in the Garden, for an explanation?
I also find it interesting that the serpent only spoke in the presence of Eve and not when both Adam and Eve where together. Even when God cursed the serpent, after causing the sin of Adam and Eve, the serpent did not speak nor did God ask it to speak in its own defense as he did for Adam and Eve.
When a family has no husband, or father, Satan is free to move in and begin to spread lies and temptations as he did with Eve through the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Is it any wonder why we have so much turmoil and discontent in our society as families with no husband or father are rife with Satan's presence and influence.
God gives preeminence to the man in a marriage and in a family, for it was Adam, not Eve, who gave the serpent its name thereby declaring dominion over it. Since Satan had possessed the serpent the man now also has dominion over Satan as well.
So for long as the man remains faithful to God, Satan and all of the fallen angels cannot violate man's dominion gained through the naming of the serpent by Adam in the Garden of Eden! This is why Jesus is called the second and last Adam. Jesus has dominion over Satan and all the fallen angels when he became a man - born of a virgin to eliminate all demonic claims of dominion.
Again, when Adam named the serpent he was declaring man's dominion over both the serpent and Satan who had possessed the serpent. Just think of that, mankind gained dominion over Satan and all of the fallen angels when Adam named the serpent. Then Adam lost that dominion when he sinned. Subsequently Jesus Christ gained back that dominion once more when he was born sinless to a virgin and then lived a sinless life.
Mankind's dominion over Satan through the naming of the serpent is why God became man in the person of Jesus Christ. When Jesus became a man God regained dominion over the disobedient Satan, and all of the fallen angels, and Satan did everything to get Jesus to sin so Satan could take back that dominion.....but Satan failed!!!!!!!!!!!
The cross represents Satan's final attempt to rid himself of God's dominion by killing his son Jesus Christ. But through Jesus Christ's resurrection God's dominion over Satan remained. Jesus Christ's resurrection established God's dominion over Satan both in heaven and on earth. A complete and through everlasting checkmate!
This failure of Satan, in taking back God's dominion over him through the death of Jesus Christ, also allowed God to reestablish his dominion over all those who have sinned and now believed in his son Jesus Christ and restore them to be with God in heaven forever! God forgives all those who believe in the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ – God become man!