You start out by saying:
then you complain about people beating around the bush and causing confusion, but yet in your 4 paragraphs you never tell us where you think scripture answers this question so clearly. Why?
Along with what you said though, we look at Moses and King Manasseh. One obeyed God, One filled the streets with innocent blood and caused the people to worship false idols. In fact, King Manasseh flat out ignored the word of the Lord and continued to be just rotten.
So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err,
and to do worse than the heathen, whom the LORD had destroyed before the children of Israel. And the LORD spake to Manasseh, and to his people:
but they would not hearken.
(2Ch 33:9-10)
Now Moses was told to gather the congregation around and speak to a rock. I suppose if you ask authoritative enough, rocks produce water. The people did not see that though, because Moses whacked that rock with a stick instead.
It cost Moses everything He had been marching forward to and putting up with concerning the people.
Manasseh was one evil dude, and all that evil stuff he was doing caused his downfall. The king of Assyria came and captured Manasseh with the Lord's help. Manasseh, certainly did deserve all he got.
However, despite all the horrible murders and bad things Manasseh did, the Lord heard him when he called for help. Not only did the Lord hear, but the Lord delivered him out of the hand of the Assyrian King and set him back up in his own Kingdom.
Moses was not so fortunate with just one mistake.
Now, someone ask if birth control is sinful in marriage. What is on that persons conscience when they ask a question like that?
It's the same reason God handled Moses, different than evil Manasseh. Conscience and light given.
And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.
(1Co 8:11-12)
As I said, you already gave the answer, and it answers all questions when it comes to "Is it sin if I do this or that"
Hollowbonnie seemed to get it.
I am glad ILove asked the question.