anything that uses a drumset or an electric guitar is straight from Hell, and no TrueChristianâ„¢ would ever listen to that garbage.
Oh wait, I forgot to wrap that in the [sarcasm] tags! My bad. :D
So here's how I really feel. I think people who are against modern worship are usually the same people who think the Bible was originally written in King James English, and have enough biblical knowledge to find bible verses, but not enough biblical knowledge to place them in context or correctly apply them.
I do find it amusing that the people who insist that only the Hymns are safe worship music don't seem to know the history behind many of the oldest worship songs. While the legends that Luther wrote hymns to bar tunes has turned out to be an urban legend, others did indeed do this.
This sitetalks about contrafactums, tunes that were drinking songs one way, but worship songs the other way. Additionally, 19th century hymn writer Francis Crosby (Who wrote great hymns such as "Blessed Assurance") was renowned for writing hymns to familiar tunes. So the reality of the situation is that our Christian music heritage isn't as squeaky as these folks want to think.
Now, while I see nothing wrong with "Christian Rock" for the most part, you can go too far. Keeping with a heart of worship, you can get pretty far, but I have heard stuff that made me question the true motivation of the musicians. Ultimately, it comes down to the heart of the people involved in the music. You can sing hymns and have your heart totally out of place with God, and you can sing Christian hard rock in total abandon to the Lord. We need to make sure our hearts are right, and then let the music reflect that.