All kidding aside folks, I like heavy metal along with the rest of them. I am a throwback to 80s metal and enjoy the occasional Judas Priest, Metallica and Iron Maiden tunes (though there some questionable ones there too)
However, you cannot justify death metal by biblical standards. Bands like Deicide, Possessed, Cannibal Corpse, Gorgoroth, Rotting Christ (don't you think THAT's a giveaway there???) and many, many more glorify and worship Satan, blaspheme Christ and His love and glory, glorify death, necrophilia, pedophilia, torture and every other vile and evil thing under the sun.
I don't care if some of them do it as a gimmick. It is still wrong. And they do it as a gimmick BECAUSE that is what is expected as Death Metal. That is what Death Metal is all about!
"Christian" death metal is the biggest oxymoron around. Death metal by it's very nature is about serious aggression, rebellion and anger. I'm sorry. I do support CCM and some Christian rock but there comes a time when the line has to be drawn. If you think saying the words 'I love Jesus' in screaming, unintelligible growls and roars while the drums are blurring away at 200 beats per minute, then something is seriously wrong with how you view your faith.