- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Is God Not A Woman?
Recently I have been to several mainline Protestant churches where the preacher referred to God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit, in the feminine tense. One preacher boldly declared that God was a female and said it with smirk smile on his face to the delight of his mostly female congregation. While these preachers seem delighted in their assertion that God is a female they fail to correct themselves by looking in the bible to see their error.
When God made Adam, God walked with him in the Garden of Eden. But God declared that man shouldn't be alone so he made Adam a helper/companion, Eve, a female from the flesh of Adam. Notice that God never said that he would become man's helper-companion! God said that he would create a helper/companion for Adam thereby retaining his role as God to both Adam and Eve. God makes it clear he would not become their helper/companion in this world!
Think of the implications of this. Many people fault God for not being immediately available to their every need. People demand God to be a constant companion-helper to ward off any undesirable happenstance. When God is shown NOT to be man's (or woman's) constant helper people begin to doubt God's existence!
God's role is to be GOD. Even Jesus Christ stayed away from all the religious leaders as they tried to entice Jesus Christ to be their companion-helper in ruling over God's faithful. Since Jesus Christ was God in human form he did not become a companion-helper to anyone, especially in any marriage with a woman, or as a ruler in the affairs of man down here on earth.
To refer to God as a female mocks God's authority by suggesting that God, as a feminine being, made man in order to form a relationship of gender companionship with 'herself'. God made both man and woman to be a companion-helper to each other so that no man or woman can ever consider themselves as being an equal partner with God in their existence.
God Bless
While it is true that God gave mankind his image it must be remember that God created Adam in his image first and then God created Eve from Adam thereby Eve gained God's image through Adam. God gave mankind his likeness, his image, in order to allow man to rule over what God had created for us. Gender is not part of God's likeness but is imparted into this world to show that we are not completely like God and that God still retains ultimate authority over everything. There is a big difference between ruling over something, or someone, and having authority. While governments and sinful people demand total authority God only grants them the right to rule, either righteously with a deference to God or unrighteously with insatiable wicked passions.
Jesus Christ said that he'll send to us a helper, the Holy Spirit. Notice that the Holy Spirit is our spiritual helper but not our earthly, in flesh form, helper/companion. God gave man dominion over this world and he won't violate that dominion by interfering or assisting in man's physical (flesh) demands or happenstance thereof.
Society seems to be more desirous of wanting God to be just a companion-helper, rather than God. All of the comic book heroes are reflective of this desire of wanting God to be our companion-helper, to swoop in and save us all from our evil deeds and then quickly departing to allow us the opportunity to do it all over again. Rather than a God who challenges us to put a stop to our evil before it cascades into a crisis.
In the book of revelation, where the antichrist will entice everyone to receive a mark on their person, this represents Satan offering his companionship and help to mankind in the role of a God to relive all of man's suffering. This is exactly what God the Father, God the son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit, refuse to do, to make mankind their companion, an equal partner, to their authority.
If Jesus Christ were a woman then (her) role must then be to help us all physically, not spiritually, for a woman was made to be a helper/companion to man. Again, if Jesus Christ's were a woman then the death and resurrection on the cross would not be possible for Jesus Christ's role would be that of a woman, as a helper/companion, to persevere our sinful flesh and not allow it to die.
Consider that homosexuality is mankind's attempt to be both genders at the same time, therefore no gender at all, in order to be like God who has no gender. It is an affront to God that man/woman will try anything to negate God's design in order to declare themselves equal to God. This equality is exactly Satan's original temptation leading to man's original sin – to be equal to God and declare themselves as having an equal authority!
Also many parents, and single mothers today, turn their children into their companions the result being that all authority becomes negotiable, and ultimately valueless!
It must be remembered that even though God was not man's companion God was nevertheless still Adam and Eve's God and therefore walked with them in the Garden of Eden. Because of man's sin that relationship between man and God has been severed and God no longer walks with man. But God was not without compassion and love for his created beings and sent his only son to reestablish the 'walking' relationship between man and God through the indwelling Holy Spirit. If a person accepts the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that he offers all of us, by believing in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection on the Cross of Calvary, then God will reestablish his walking relationship (in the spirit – but not the flesh) with man through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Recently I have been to several mainline Protestant churches where the preacher referred to God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit, in the feminine tense. One preacher boldly declared that God was a female and said it with smirk smile on his face to the delight of his mostly female congregation. While these preachers seem delighted in their assertion that God is a female they fail to correct themselves by looking in the bible to see their error.
When God made Adam, God walked with him in the Garden of Eden. But God declared that man shouldn't be alone so he made Adam a helper/companion, Eve, a female from the flesh of Adam. Notice that God never said that he would become man's helper-companion! God said that he would create a helper/companion for Adam thereby retaining his role as God to both Adam and Eve. God makes it clear he would not become their helper/companion in this world!
Think of the implications of this. Many people fault God for not being immediately available to their every need. People demand God to be a constant companion-helper to ward off any undesirable happenstance. When God is shown NOT to be man's (or woman's) constant helper people begin to doubt God's existence!
God's role is to be GOD. Even Jesus Christ stayed away from all the religious leaders as they tried to entice Jesus Christ to be their companion-helper in ruling over God's faithful. Since Jesus Christ was God in human form he did not become a companion-helper to anyone, especially in any marriage with a woman, or as a ruler in the affairs of man down here on earth.
To refer to God as a female mocks God's authority by suggesting that God, as a feminine being, made man in order to form a relationship of gender companionship with 'herself'. God made both man and woman to be a companion-helper to each other so that no man or woman can ever consider themselves as being an equal partner with God in their existence.
God Bless
While it is true that God gave mankind his image it must be remember that God created Adam in his image first and then God created Eve from Adam thereby Eve gained God's image through Adam. God gave mankind his likeness, his image, in order to allow man to rule over what God had created for us. Gender is not part of God's likeness but is imparted into this world to show that we are not completely like God and that God still retains ultimate authority over everything. There is a big difference between ruling over something, or someone, and having authority. While governments and sinful people demand total authority God only grants them the right to rule, either righteously with a deference to God or unrighteously with insatiable wicked passions.
Jesus Christ said that he'll send to us a helper, the Holy Spirit. Notice that the Holy Spirit is our spiritual helper but not our earthly, in flesh form, helper/companion. God gave man dominion over this world and he won't violate that dominion by interfering or assisting in man's physical (flesh) demands or happenstance thereof.
Society seems to be more desirous of wanting God to be just a companion-helper, rather than God. All of the comic book heroes are reflective of this desire of wanting God to be our companion-helper, to swoop in and save us all from our evil deeds and then quickly departing to allow us the opportunity to do it all over again. Rather than a God who challenges us to put a stop to our evil before it cascades into a crisis.
In the book of revelation, where the antichrist will entice everyone to receive a mark on their person, this represents Satan offering his companionship and help to mankind in the role of a God to relive all of man's suffering. This is exactly what God the Father, God the son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit, refuse to do, to make mankind their companion, an equal partner, to their authority.
If Jesus Christ were a woman then (her) role must then be to help us all physically, not spiritually, for a woman was made to be a helper/companion to man. Again, if Jesus Christ's were a woman then the death and resurrection on the cross would not be possible for Jesus Christ's role would be that of a woman, as a helper/companion, to persevere our sinful flesh and not allow it to die.
Consider that homosexuality is mankind's attempt to be both genders at the same time, therefore no gender at all, in order to be like God who has no gender. It is an affront to God that man/woman will try anything to negate God's design in order to declare themselves equal to God. This equality is exactly Satan's original temptation leading to man's original sin – to be equal to God and declare themselves as having an equal authority!
Also many parents, and single mothers today, turn their children into their companions the result being that all authority becomes negotiable, and ultimately valueless!
It must be remembered that even though God was not man's companion God was nevertheless still Adam and Eve's God and therefore walked with them in the Garden of Eden. Because of man's sin that relationship between man and God has been severed and God no longer walks with man. But God was not without compassion and love for his created beings and sent his only son to reestablish the 'walking' relationship between man and God through the indwelling Holy Spirit. If a person accepts the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that he offers all of us, by believing in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection on the Cross of Calvary, then God will reestablish his walking relationship (in the spirit – but not the flesh) with man through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.