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Is it possible to be a Scientist and a Christian?

Many scientists want to see or have proof before they believe in anything.
ok, so forensics isn't a science? engineers are scientists? and what about doctors. medicine is very much a type of science.
I say yes and we need scientist that are Christians. If all Christians just decided that they don't want to have anything to do with science, then Christians would not have the knowledge to defend themselves in a science vs. Christian beliefs type of debate.
Yes it is, absolutely. Does it happen? Not so much maybe, too much distraction i think.

I say yes and we need scientist that are Christians. If all Christians just decided that they don't want to have anything to do with science, then Christians would not have the knowledge to defend themselves in a science vs. Christian beliefs type of debate.

But...but there is no debate, only intentional coverup and darkness. :wink:lol
The problem I see these days is that most secular University science courses have an anti-creation bias where they should stick to their mandate and teach and investigate scientific stuff not philosophy. Unless it's a philosophy of science course of course. :D
The problem I see these days is that most secular University science courses have an anti-creation bias where they should stick to their mandate and teach and investigate scientific stuff not philosophy. Unless it's a philosophy of science course of course. :biggrin

That's because creation isn't science. However, most christian scientists do not mind looking at the beginning of the world from a more scientific based view point, something along the lines of "God created the universe and He used things that we call "Big Bang" or "Evolution" to do so." They consider science a valid approach to studying what and how God created. Faith and accepting evolution is no contradiction for them.
That's because creation isn't science. However, most christian scientists do not mind looking at the beginning of the world from a more scientific based view point, something along the lines of "God created the universe and He used things that we call "Big Bang" or "Evolution" to do so." They consider science a valid approach to studying what and how God created. Faith and accepting evolution is no contradiction for them.

Creation is still sorta science ( how it happened ) but because neither scientists nor creationists know the nuts and bolts of how it all happened in the beginning we get this cross over of science into philosophy. The Christian scientist should be able to say " I don't know how Yahweh did it " and the atheist should be able to say " I don't know ". For the atheist to say their knowledge of the beginning indicates there isn't a Creator is leaving science and entering philosophy.
There are many scientists who are Christians .... and many Christians who are scientists.

I heard of a physicist guy (a university buddy of my then-boyfriend), who was a lukewarm "tradition christian". You know, the kind of people that call htemselves christians and go to church on christmas and for weddings but otherwise don't care much about religious stuff. But he became a real devout and convinced believer while working on his PhD thesis, because at some point of his work he was totally awestruck at how well-ordered and functional our universe is. As a scientist he knew that that's not proof of God, but in his heart he felt that he could see the hand of a creator in anything.
So through science he actuall became a real christian.
Creation is still sorta science ( how it happened ) but because neither scientists nor creationists know the nuts and bolts of how it all happened in the beginning we get this cross over of science into philosophy. The Christian scientist should be able to say " I don't know how Yahweh did it " and the atheist should be able to say " I don't know ". For the atheist to say their knowledge of the beginning indicates there isn't a Creator is leaving science and entering philosophy.

The question of whether there was a beginner eludes all empirical research. So you are right that's philosophy or theology.
But since it is something that we cannot do research about the creator is not part of science and will never be. That's not because there's a bias. It's just not part of the field.
I am both. What would you like to know?
What field are you in? View on creation as opposed to evolution? Hm...maybe I shouldn't ask that. Haha. This isn't the debate forum, but people will want to debate it anyway. For my part, I'm asking out of curiosity.
The question of whether there was a beginner eludes all empirical research. So you are right that's philosophy or theology.
But since it is something that we cannot do research about the creator is not part of science and will never be. That's not because there's a bias. It's just not part of the field.

I recently did a few science courses at one of the "best" Universities in QLD. Many every lecturers had a philosophical comment regarding creation or god slipped into the subject matter. To me it was kinda sad considering the courses were great and stood on their own as pure science but the philosophical content was purely bias.
This is a good topic. Science is a systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. I think agua nailed it. When scientists don't have an answer (who can know Gods ways?) then they enter philosophy as a crutch. Concoct theories with a secular reasoning mind to make it sound plausible, and to fit their model.

It always amuses me when Christians say that God gave us a reasoning mind. He did not! That happened in the fall, brought on by a lie and a disobedience. We were created in Gods image...Spiritual beings. I don't spirits reason per se, I think there is a 'knowing'. from the heart so to speak. (This is probably my own personal philosophy lol). But could be true!

Go re-read Genesis again, the account of the fall. The tree of knowledge, of good and evil. Satan laid some crappy philosophy on Eve and deceived her...

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked.../ (They became self-conscious!)

We were NOT created for ourselves. We were created for God. The very first thing that Adam & Eve did with this (God-given, Ha!) knowledge of reasoning was to turn their back on God and start doping things for themselves. And you want to believe that the reasoning mind of man is God given? You better think that one through again, brothers and sisters!

Ok, so before man gained this (ill-gotten) reasoning did they think? Not with their brain. So "Spirits" "Think" differently than man. God is urging us back into original relationship with Him. We have lost our identities. In Gods image, there is no "reason" there is "knowing" Mature Christians get this proven to them very much so. Have you ever received words of knowledge from the spirit? I have. One day, I suddenly "knew" that one of my Christian Brothers need help, hundreds of miles away. Did I reason this out? (Ha!)

We are bombarded with instruction to, lean not upon our own for the Spirit...walk in the Spirit...there is a way which seems right unto man, but leads to death...become as little Children or you WONT see the kingdom of God...C'mon, is this that hard?! It is hard to throw the reasoning mind out the window, and to think with the heart, or to have faith! God was always just, faithful, and honest. Just look to Him for...everything, being anxious for nothing.

We debate a lot on this board. Uh-oh. You know what? Debating builds walls. There is one Spirit. There is no debate, there is GOD. You know what scripture says will happen to debaters? (But Lord, didn't I? didn't I didn't I?) Go away from me, I never knew you..:eek

What's better than being open-minded? Being no-minded, brothers and sisters. Being Spiritual. Live for the Spirit, and trust God.

Ponder that one. :lol Praise God.
God created our bodies right down to the smallest detail. In my opinion, science merely attempts to understand God's creation and how it works. Science does not have to be about proving God doesn't exist but in fact proving He does by learning how intricate and wonderful we truly are. I think too often we Christians pit ourselves against science when it doesn't have to be that way. In my opinion, the more we learn about how we were created the more the awesomeness of God's work is revealed.
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