This is a good topic. Science is a systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. I think agua nailed it. When scientists don't have an answer (who can know Gods ways?) then they enter philosophy as a crutch. Concoct theories with a secular reasoning mind to make it sound plausible, and to fit their model.
It always amuses me when Christians say that God gave us a reasoning mind. He did not! That happened in the fall, brought on by a lie and a disobedience. We were created in Gods image...Spiritual beings. I don't spirits reason per se, I think there is a 'knowing'. from the heart so to speak. (This is probably my own personal
philosophy lol). But could be true!
Go re-read Genesis again, the account of the fall. The tree of knowledge, of good and evil. Satan laid some crappy philosophy on Eve and deceived her...
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked.../ (They became self-conscious!)
We were NOT created for ourselves. We were created for God. The very first thing that Adam & Eve did with this (God-given, Ha!) knowledge of reasoning was to turn their back on God and start doping things for themselves. And you want to believe that the reasoning mind of man is God given? You better think that one through again, brothers and sisters!
Ok, so before man gained this (ill-gotten) reasoning did they think? Not with their brain. So "Spirits" "Think" differently than man. God is urging us back into original relationship with Him. We have lost our identities. In Gods image, there is no "reason" there is "knowing" Mature Christians get this proven to them very much so. Have you ever received words of knowledge from the spirit? I have. One day, I suddenly "knew" that one of my Christian Brothers need help, hundreds of miles away. Did I reason this out? (Ha!)
We are bombarded with instruction to, lean not upon our own for the Spirit...walk in the Spirit...there is a way which seems right unto man, but leads to death...become as little Children or you WONT see the kingdom of God...C'mon, is this that hard?! It is hard to throw the reasoning mind out the window, and to think with the heart, or to have faith! God was always just, faithful, and honest. Just look to Him for...everything, being anxious for nothing.
We debate a lot on this board. Uh-oh. You know what? Debating builds walls. There is one Spirit. There is no debate, there is GOD. You know what scripture says will happen to debaters? (But Lord, didn't I? didn't I didn't I?) Go away from me, I never knew you..
What's better than being open-minded? Being no-minded, brothers and sisters. Being Spiritual. Live for the Spirit, and trust God.
Ponder that one.

Praise God.