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Is the Bible the Pillar & Bulwark of faith?

Some Christians say that the Bible is the sole authority in Christian teaching as they always quote in:
2 Timothy 3:14-17. Personally, I have no doubt, that the scripture must be the source of training for righteousness, but does St. Paul in his letter to Timothy express which scripture?

St. Paul personally does not know that his writings would be taken as part of the Canon of the Christian Bible. Meaning to say, St. Paul is pertaining to the writings of the Prophets not the 27 books of the New Testament.

[16] ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired.... Yes!!!! True!!! Shalom Aleichem!!!! But should we count other writings such as the so called 'gospel of Philip' or 'gospel of Thomas' or even ' gospel of Mary Magdalene' as Divinely inspired? NO!!!! only 27 books are deemed worthy of reverence of Faith. But who's authority these books deemed worthy of reverence?

[17] Are we justified by good works through the scripture? St. Paul said: " For all who rely on the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the things written in the book of the Law." (Gal. 3:10) NRSV

Furthermore, St. Paul added that: "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us - for it is written "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree." (Gal 3:13)NRSV

Should Christians put another book of regulations just to be saved? Is God had conditional love to us? Did God said unless you read my Bible (KJV 1611) you will not be saved or you will not be guided by my hand? Is Jesus is enough?
Let us go back & check history...

30/33 ------------------ The beginning of the Church; THE CHURCH EXIST BEFORE A DETERMINATION OF A
CANON or a definitive list of books of what was later called the Bible.
c. 170 ------------------ MELITO BISHOP OF SARDIS
produced the 1st known Christian attempt at an Old testament canon. His list
maintains Septuagint order...
FAST TRACK-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

393 --------------------COUNCIL OF HIPPO
Approve the OT and NT list

397 --------------------Council of Carthage
Approve the final list of OT and NT. Same list in the Council of Trent.
Therefore the Pillar and bulwark of faith existed only in year 397. Plus, according to other Christians those early Church Fathers who make the list where indeed not infallible, ONLY the book they made that is infallible.