- Jan 3, 2024
- 220
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Sermon by Vincent Ferrer, called (Angel of the Apocalypse), born around 1350 in Valencia, died on April 5, 1419.
Saint Vincent was one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church, but his existence was forgotten.
He performed more miracles in one day than all the other saints in their lifetime.
The church has officially recognized 892 of his miracles as part of his canonization, but the total number is estimated in the hundreds of thousands.
Saint Vincent performed such extraordinary miracles, which have not been seen since the time of the Apostles.
For example, Saint Antoninus confirmed that twenty-eight people were raised from death by Saint Vincent.
In August 1415, near the town of Conflans, he fed 4,000 men, not counting women and children, with seven loaves and some fish.
Near Palma, Mallorca, Saint Vincent Ferrer held back a storm so he could preach from the waterfront.
The Beziers stopped the flood. He could cast out demons with a word or touch.
His power was so great that he passed it on to others. Often when people came to ask him for favors of this kind, he would turn to one of his companions and say, "I have performed enough miracles today and I am tired.
Do what they ask of me. The Lord who works through me will also work through me. by you".
Once, early in 1418, as he was entering the city of Vannes, the sick, the blind, the blind and the lame gathered on both sides of the road just before its gates.
Saint Vincent blessed them and they were all healed immediately.
He spoke to huge crowds in great squares without modern amplification, and yet he was clearly heard by all, even if the distance was more than a kilometer.
Saint Vincent Ferrer was truly the greatest miracle worker since the twelve apostles.
His miracles were so countless that it would undoubtedly take us several hours to describe each of them.
Let's listen to one of the Sermons, about the End of the World, which he preached during his journey around the world.Our sermon will be on today's Gospel, which consists entirely of the doctrine and instruction of
Jesus Christ Himself.In this gospel, He warns us of the great evil and tribulation that is about to come at the end of the world, and tells us about the signs that will precede His coming to judgment.This topic,
I think, will serve us. "There will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars."By study of the Scriptures, and by actual experience, we know that when some great and grievous affliction is about to come
upon the world, often some warning sign appears in the sky.This is due to God's mercy, so that people warned of the impending tribulation by means of these signs, through prayer and good deeds, may obtain in the
Mercy Tribunal the reversal of the judgment passed on them by God - the judge in heavenly courts, or at least through penance and change of life prepare for the impending disaster.So, before some great death,
spectral battles are seen in the sky; before famine there are earthquakes; and before any land is laid waste, terrible signs are seen.We are told of the terrible signs shown to the Jews long before the destruction
of Jerusalem by Antiochus."And it came to pass that through all the city of Jerusalem, for forty days, horsemen were seen running through the air, in gilded garments, armed with spears like bands of soldiers.
And horses lined up, running against one another, with crackling shields, and a multitude of helmeted men with drawn swords, and glittering armor of gold, and harnesses of all kinds."After that,
Antiochus plundered the temple and slaughtered the Jews.That is why we read in Exodus: "And he will multiply signs and wonders in the land of Egypt."Now, of all the tribulations, the three greatest and most
terrible are about to come upon mankind: first, the tribulation of the Antichrist, human but diabolical; secondly, the destruction of the earthly world by fire; third, the general court.And with these
tribulations will come the end of the world. Therefore, according to the principle of Divine Providence set forth above, before these three there will be warning signs in the sky, in the sun, and in the moon
and stars, as represented in our text.The first affliction to come to the world in a short time is the coming of the Antichrist, the diabolical man who will bring calamity to the whole world.There are four
clauses in my text where we are warned of the four ways in which the Antichrist will deceive Christians.The first clause is this: "There will be a sign in the sun."You must know that in the Scriptures Christ
is called the Sun, and this is because, according to the evidence of your own eyes, the sun is among the most beautiful of God's creations.In the same way, Christ is more beautiful than all the saints and
shines over them all with the brightness of glory, not only as God, but also as man.And as all stars receive their light from the sun, so all saints receive from Christ the brightness of glory, strength,
holiness, wisdom and understanding.This is the reason why Christ is called the Sun, and under the same name "Sun" God the Father sent Him into the world, saying: "But to you who fear my name, the Sun of
righteousness will arise."This is not true of the natural sun. For the Church, in praise of the Virgin Mary, says: "Happy are you, O holy Virgin, and most worthy of all praise, for from you has sprung the Sun of
Justice, Christ our Lord."The first clause tells us that there will be signs in the sun in the time of the Antichrist; that is, there will be signs on Christ, and the exact sign is given by Saint Matthew when he says:
"The sun will not give its light."Such darkening does not happen with respect to the sun itself, because it is not in the nature of the sun to be darkened in itself.In the time of the Antichrist, the Sun of Justice will
be overshadowed by the position of worldly goods and riches that the Antichrist will bestow on the world, so that the clarity of faith in Jesus Christ and the splendor of the good life will no longer shine among Christians.For
temporal rulers, kings and princes, in order not to lose their dominion, will side with the Antichrist.Similarly, prelates, for fear of losing their dignity, monks and priests, in order to gain honors and riches, will abandon
the faith of Christ and cling to the Antichrist.He will be a real man, but so proud that he will not only want universal dominion over the whole world, but will even demand to be called a god and insist on receiving divine
worship.This we can deduce from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians: "For unless rebellion comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is
called God or that is honored, so that he sits in temple of God as if he were a god."This will happen because the Antichrist, through the ministry of demons, will possess all the gold and silver of the earth and the seas,
and pearls and all the precious stones that are in the world.As we read in the book of Daniel: "And he will have power over the treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious stones of Egypt."With this wealth,
he will gather in armor all the nations of the world to fight against those who oppose him.As we read in the Apocalypse: "He will go and seduce the nations that are in the four corners of the earth, and gather
them together for battle, whose number is like the sand on the sea."Notice that he will seduce the nations, that is, with gold, silver and honors.Then the temporal lords and ecclesiastical prelates, for fear of
losing power or position, will be on his side, because there will be neither king nor prelate if he does not want it.For the same reason, it will also be upheld by religious, priests and laity.I am asked why God
allows this error among Christians, since He is God and the strongest cannot stand against Him?I respond with the dictates of theology taken from the Book of Wisdom: "With what a man sins, he is also tormented.
"How are the nations of the world sinning against God today? They sin to gain honors, dignities and riches.Therefore, through honors, riches and dignities, God allows the Antichrist to deceive them.Therefore,
if you do not want to be deceived, now with all your heart condemn and despise all earthly goods, and long for those of heaven, considering that the goods of this world are transitory and empty, while the
heavenly and heavenly goods are eternal.This way you will be strong. St. John gives this advice: "Do not love the world, nor the things in the world.If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
And the world is passing away and its licentiousness. "The second clause is that there will be signs on the moon. You must understand that in the Scriptures the moon means our Holy Mother, the Universal Church,
which means the worldwide union of Christians; walls that make it up, but about that assembly of the faithful under one Head, which is really the Church.The Church is marked by the moon and its phases. The Church
goes through these phases. Thefull moon symbolizes the acceptance of the Gospel of Christ in every part of the world, in every kingdom and provinces
Saint Vincent was one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church, but his existence was forgotten.
He performed more miracles in one day than all the other saints in their lifetime.
The church has officially recognized 892 of his miracles as part of his canonization, but the total number is estimated in the hundreds of thousands.
Saint Vincent performed such extraordinary miracles, which have not been seen since the time of the Apostles.
For example, Saint Antoninus confirmed that twenty-eight people were raised from death by Saint Vincent.
In August 1415, near the town of Conflans, he fed 4,000 men, not counting women and children, with seven loaves and some fish.
Near Palma, Mallorca, Saint Vincent Ferrer held back a storm so he could preach from the waterfront.
The Beziers stopped the flood. He could cast out demons with a word or touch.
His power was so great that he passed it on to others. Often when people came to ask him for favors of this kind, he would turn to one of his companions and say, "I have performed enough miracles today and I am tired.
Do what they ask of me. The Lord who works through me will also work through me. by you".
Once, early in 1418, as he was entering the city of Vannes, the sick, the blind, the blind and the lame gathered on both sides of the road just before its gates.
Saint Vincent blessed them and they were all healed immediately.
He spoke to huge crowds in great squares without modern amplification, and yet he was clearly heard by all, even if the distance was more than a kilometer.
Saint Vincent Ferrer was truly the greatest miracle worker since the twelve apostles.
His miracles were so countless that it would undoubtedly take us several hours to describe each of them.
Let's listen to one of the Sermons, about the End of the World, which he preached during his journey around the world.Our sermon will be on today's Gospel, which consists entirely of the doctrine and instruction of
Jesus Christ Himself.In this gospel, He warns us of the great evil and tribulation that is about to come at the end of the world, and tells us about the signs that will precede His coming to judgment.This topic,
I think, will serve us. "There will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars."By study of the Scriptures, and by actual experience, we know that when some great and grievous affliction is about to come
upon the world, often some warning sign appears in the sky.This is due to God's mercy, so that people warned of the impending tribulation by means of these signs, through prayer and good deeds, may obtain in the
Mercy Tribunal the reversal of the judgment passed on them by God - the judge in heavenly courts, or at least through penance and change of life prepare for the impending disaster.So, before some great death,
spectral battles are seen in the sky; before famine there are earthquakes; and before any land is laid waste, terrible signs are seen.We are told of the terrible signs shown to the Jews long before the destruction
of Jerusalem by Antiochus."And it came to pass that through all the city of Jerusalem, for forty days, horsemen were seen running through the air, in gilded garments, armed with spears like bands of soldiers.
And horses lined up, running against one another, with crackling shields, and a multitude of helmeted men with drawn swords, and glittering armor of gold, and harnesses of all kinds."After that,
Antiochus plundered the temple and slaughtered the Jews.That is why we read in Exodus: "And he will multiply signs and wonders in the land of Egypt."Now, of all the tribulations, the three greatest and most
terrible are about to come upon mankind: first, the tribulation of the Antichrist, human but diabolical; secondly, the destruction of the earthly world by fire; third, the general court.And with these
tribulations will come the end of the world. Therefore, according to the principle of Divine Providence set forth above, before these three there will be warning signs in the sky, in the sun, and in the moon
and stars, as represented in our text.The first affliction to come to the world in a short time is the coming of the Antichrist, the diabolical man who will bring calamity to the whole world.There are four
clauses in my text where we are warned of the four ways in which the Antichrist will deceive Christians.The first clause is this: "There will be a sign in the sun."You must know that in the Scriptures Christ
is called the Sun, and this is because, according to the evidence of your own eyes, the sun is among the most beautiful of God's creations.In the same way, Christ is more beautiful than all the saints and
shines over them all with the brightness of glory, not only as God, but also as man.And as all stars receive their light from the sun, so all saints receive from Christ the brightness of glory, strength,
holiness, wisdom and understanding.This is the reason why Christ is called the Sun, and under the same name "Sun" God the Father sent Him into the world, saying: "But to you who fear my name, the Sun of
righteousness will arise."This is not true of the natural sun. For the Church, in praise of the Virgin Mary, says: "Happy are you, O holy Virgin, and most worthy of all praise, for from you has sprung the Sun of
Justice, Christ our Lord."The first clause tells us that there will be signs in the sun in the time of the Antichrist; that is, there will be signs on Christ, and the exact sign is given by Saint Matthew when he says:
"The sun will not give its light."Such darkening does not happen with respect to the sun itself, because it is not in the nature of the sun to be darkened in itself.In the time of the Antichrist, the Sun of Justice will
be overshadowed by the position of worldly goods and riches that the Antichrist will bestow on the world, so that the clarity of faith in Jesus Christ and the splendor of the good life will no longer shine among Christians.For
temporal rulers, kings and princes, in order not to lose their dominion, will side with the Antichrist.Similarly, prelates, for fear of losing their dignity, monks and priests, in order to gain honors and riches, will abandon
the faith of Christ and cling to the Antichrist.He will be a real man, but so proud that he will not only want universal dominion over the whole world, but will even demand to be called a god and insist on receiving divine
worship.This we can deduce from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians: "For unless rebellion comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is
called God or that is honored, so that he sits in temple of God as if he were a god."This will happen because the Antichrist, through the ministry of demons, will possess all the gold and silver of the earth and the seas,
and pearls and all the precious stones that are in the world.As we read in the book of Daniel: "And he will have power over the treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious stones of Egypt."With this wealth,
he will gather in armor all the nations of the world to fight against those who oppose him.As we read in the Apocalypse: "He will go and seduce the nations that are in the four corners of the earth, and gather
them together for battle, whose number is like the sand on the sea."Notice that he will seduce the nations, that is, with gold, silver and honors.Then the temporal lords and ecclesiastical prelates, for fear of
losing power or position, will be on his side, because there will be neither king nor prelate if he does not want it.For the same reason, it will also be upheld by religious, priests and laity.I am asked why God
allows this error among Christians, since He is God and the strongest cannot stand against Him?I respond with the dictates of theology taken from the Book of Wisdom: "With what a man sins, he is also tormented.
"How are the nations of the world sinning against God today? They sin to gain honors, dignities and riches.Therefore, through honors, riches and dignities, God allows the Antichrist to deceive them.Therefore,
if you do not want to be deceived, now with all your heart condemn and despise all earthly goods, and long for those of heaven, considering that the goods of this world are transitory and empty, while the
heavenly and heavenly goods are eternal.This way you will be strong. St. John gives this advice: "Do not love the world, nor the things in the world.If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
And the world is passing away and its licentiousness. "The second clause is that there will be signs on the moon. You must understand that in the Scriptures the moon means our Holy Mother, the Universal Church,
which means the worldwide union of Christians; walls that make it up, but about that assembly of the faithful under one Head, which is really the Church.The Church is marked by the moon and its phases. The Church
goes through these phases. Thefull moon symbolizes the acceptance of the Gospel of Christ in every part of the world, in every kingdom and provinces