The seven year end-times period begins with the peace treaty of prophecy (called the covenant with death). The peace treaty will be between Israel and the surrounding nations, brokered by international powers. Israel will give away land in exchange for an internationally guaranteed peace. Half of Jerusalem will be given away. In exchange, Israel will be given half of the Temple Mount on which to build a Temple, unobstructed by Moslems. The evidence is that a wall will be built just north of the Dome of the Rock, separating the Temple Mount into a Jewish section and a Moslem section.
In the middle of the end-times 7 year period, a person called the beast (antichrist) will forcibly stop the literal sacrifices and grain offerings taking place at the Jewish Temple. He will falsely declare himself to be God on earth and demand worship. This is the abomination of desolation.
At the end of the 7-year period, Yeshua (Jesus) will return to reign on the earth with the armies of heaven. He will subdue all armies and governments. He will touch down on the Mount of Olives, cross the Kidron Valley, and enter the Temple Mount through the now-closed Eastern Gate. He will enter the Jewish Temple and take His seat. All eyes will see Him, it will not be some sort of invisible appearance.
That's the outline of the end-times 7 year period in a nutshell. Below is a graphic showing the sequence of events.