Yelp got that one too. But my gift of discernment kicked in. But man I'm jealous.....I was offered only 2.8 million, you we're offered 70 million.....dang that really hurts!!!! But I allowed the Lord to use me instead of my flesh. Glad I'm not Catholic, that would have cost me about 100 Hail Mary's and 100 Hail Fathers with what went through my mind first, just thankful it didn't come out of my mouth.....I have a hard time with deceit, no tolerance level!!!!! Can you tell guys I've be working on not going into the flesh? LOL Yes another victory for Jesus.
My response to dear Ms. Owens:
Dear Ms. V. Owens,
With all due respect Ms. Owens I will keep you in my prayers, but I believe your family attorney would be best in these legals matters. If your leave a will, your wishes shall be carried out to the charities best suited to your hearts desires to serve humanity. I'm sure there's cancer research centers in Bolton, England that could benifit others who may not be as fortunate to have the funds for treatments, and your generousity could save a life. I am heart broken at your misfortune of failing health, but I will cry out unto the Lord for your spiritual healing. May our Lord bless you with much love, peace and most of all......being in HIS truth.
Kudos HIM,