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Bible Study is this right or have i imagined it


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mr anonymous

This is a serious question' this is not a joke I have odsessive compulsive dissorder and I want to know whether I,ve imagined this or if its in the Bible. I think theres a high chance I have imagined this(probably very high) but I need to know' I have looked on the internet and not found anything to back it up and I almost certain would off so as I said I,ve probably imagined it' I ask that the moderaters do not block this message and for as many people as possible to answer this post.

If you watch a movie or listen to a song ect that contains the word Hell or is about Hell do you have to listen to something else?
What I meen is if you don't watch something else before you die do you get sent to Hell?
Or say you watch a movie or a song ect that contains the word Hell or is about Hell do you have to watch something else before you do something significant like start a new job or something?

That may well sound crazy but I HAD to ask.
The way to stay out of hell is by repenting of your sin, placing your faith in Jesus Christ, and becoming born again.

Judy has posted the steps to salvation here:

We are living in a fallen, sin cursed world. God made a way back to Him when He gave His Son to pay for our sin on the cross. As you consider the offer of salvation that Jesus Christ offers, I will be praying for the demons to leave you, and that you will be able to understand the love that God has for you.

As for the obsession that you have, it is just that. I would suggest that you avoid such things until the Lord has brought you into the Kingdom of God and has shown you the deceptions of the devil.
i,m aware your have to repent
i wondered if you had to do that aswell
mr anon,

Your thoughts regarding hell might be a part of your OCD. I'm not very knowledgable about OCD, but here is something to think about regarding hell: Jesus Christ Himself used the word quite often. The word hell, is just that, a word. It's a word that describes a place that is without God. God wants us to know about it, just as He wants us to know about Heaven. However, there is nothing regarding the word itself, even when it's placed in the context of an ungodly song or movie, that impacts your life in anyway. Just like you won't go to heaven just because you say or hear that word, you won't go to hell because you say or hear it.

Gabby has it right. What impacts your life both now and in eternity is your sin and Christ's offer to forgive it. I am in agreement with Gabby that you should avoid things like music and songs that bother you, and turn instead to seeking after God.
More to the point, we are a fallen creature...we have no right to come before God at all outside of the forgiveness of sin through the power of Jesus. When we give ourselves to Him, all of our sin is taken away...that which we have committed, are currently committing, and will commit in the future. The Bible tells us that even our most righteous or honorable actions or thoughts are as a filthy rag before God. With that in mind, we realize the need for the redemptive power of the Son, but also the absolute nature of it...

Romans 5:20 says that (and I am paraphrasing) the law came about so that sin increased, but where sin increased, grace increased much more.

So I believe you've imagined it. You can't "undo" sin through your actions or thoughts any more than you could have saved yourself. It's just not possible for a condemned man to release himself from prison. We need Jesus for the pardon He provides, and we need to remember that His pardon is permanent and perfect...there is no need for hand-wringing.

Hi Mr. Anonymous,

In spite of your name, you are not anonymous to GOd. He has a name for you, and it is a wonderful one, one based on His love and goodness, and His desire to know you for all eternity. I stand in agreement with the other posters that as fallen human beings, our one way to God is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and faith in Jesus includes repentance. Did you ever think about what "repent" means? It means to "rethink" (from the same root word as "pensive'). It means to completely change your way of thinking -- the BIble calls it "renewal of your mind."

One of the things you might consider rethinking is your image of God -- this God to whom nothing about you is anonymous, this God who loves you so much that He became human Himself and allowed Himself to suffer death that you might know Him and be with Him for eternity. This is an utterly GOOD God, an utterly HOLY God, and utterly LOVING God, a God who gave everything for you. Can you imagine a God like that sitting on his throne when one of His children comes before Him for judgment and, simply because he/she heard or spoke or read or thought the word "hell" saying, "To hell with you!"? No loving human being would do such a thing, and neither will this utterly loving God.

Bless you, Mr Anonymous, and be at peace.

Obsessive compulsive dissorders a strange thing.
I had alot of evidence I was wrong, I,d never read it in the Bible, never heard it(and the chances were I would of), new I had ocd and some of the things I thought were common ocd symptens but still thought could be right but thought I probably wasn't.
If I said the word Hell I use to say Heaven 3 times which is a classice ocd sympten but I relized Christians say it all the time but then I started to think of ways to get round it.
So anyway just to recap if I watch a movie about Hell or hear a song that contains the word ect I don't have to watch another movie or listen to another song ect theres no biblical support for it I,ve just imagined it is that right.
I ask as many people as possible to answer this thread because the mosre that do the easier it is to get over it.
mr anonymous said:
I ask as many people as possible to answer this thread because the mosre that do the easier it is to get over it.

Hi Chris,
The easiest way of all to get over it, is to ask God for deliverance. He is able. God has set me free from so much. He can do it for you too. He wants to do it for you. The torment that you are going through is not God's plan for you.


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