handy said:
Brian and Relic, all I can say is horrible, just horrible.
You know, God made dogs to show us how we should be. God made cats to show us how we actually are. That's why some people don't like cats.
I love kitties though. We have four. We used to have five, but my dear old Miranda passed away last summer.
And, yes Dave. It's very cute when they curl up in ball and purr. One of our cats, BooBoo, likes to curl up on my feet and sleep. I usually never sleep with my feet covered and then I'll wake up with the cat on them. But, he's warm and purring, so I don't mind.
Did you miss this one statement I made?
Relic said:
And to think! I love animals! and most domesticated pets.
Let me tell you how many pets I've had in my lifetime, being raised in the city.
When I was age 7 - my brother had a pet mouse in a small pet aquarium.
Again, at another time when I was still age 7 - we took in a stray Albino German Sheppard and a stray calico cat. (My mom took the calico cat to the vet, but it died because when we found it it had a horrible case of woms. The sheppard my mom found a home for it.
When I was age 9 - we took in another stray cat.
Then there was a long period of time, my mom refused us to have pets.
However, when I left home, and from the time I was 21 onward, on and off through the years I had nothing but pets galore.
When I was age 21 - had taken in the runt of a the litter. My little terrior was my sweetie.
plus had a home made 60 gallon fish tank full of tropical fish in the living room, and a 20 gallon fish tank in my bedroom and a few siamese fighting fish in their own tanks.
then after my children were born....
had 10 cats, and 3 dogs, a salamander, a turtle, a tadpole, a small garter snake, and a guinnie pig, and a finch, and 1 cockatiel. Didn't have them all at the same time except for the time we had 10 cats and 2 dogs.
Then after my children were out of the house.... I had 4 dogs , 2 cats and a 55 gallon full of salt water fish.
And guess what! I'm alergic to the dander from animals!
Please don't tell me I should be ashamed. Just because I don't like the behavior of one cat and a skunk that have invaded the underneath of my back porch and smashed my flower bed doesn't mean I don't love animals. As a matter of fact. I was looking for that CAT the other day to offer it some food, but he wasn't around. Anyway.... I'm soon to install some grids around the porch and hope that will take care of the invasion there. And the flower garden? ... Well, I'm hoping to find something that will deter the cat from making a bed to destroy my flowers. I don't care if the cat makes a bed anywhere else around my yard, just that I have to find a way to deter it away from my flowers.
Yo, I still think what Brian said about having that book was funny. I know he was JOKING.
Have a good day. :D