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Isn't spontaneous kind of a sin?


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2024 Supporter
Not here to critize, as I used to regularly act on feelings prior to be born again in the spirit. I regularly hear born again and non Christians sometimes quoting "go for it" encouragment to going on a whim.

But back when I was of the world, I behaved spontaneously not intentionally. It blocked progress and wasn't good back then or in the long run.

I thought based on feelings and temporary pleasure.

What are your thoughts?
Not here to critize, as I used to regularly act on feelings prior to be born again in the spirit. I regularly hear born again and non Christians sometimes quoting "go for it" encouragment to going on a whim.

But back when I was of the world, I behaved spontaneously not intentionally. It blocked progress and wasn't good back then or in the long run.

I thought based on feelings and temporary pleasure.

What are your thoughts?

I would say it can certainly lead to sins very quickly and very easily, because you are not fully thinking through what you are doing. Maybe in driving an all-terrain vehicle it might not be such a bad thing, but in the spiritual life it can be foolish, and sometimes downright disastrous.

For instance, what if you went on a whim and just got married spontaneously, to the WRONG person? It could hamper your spiritual life for the next 50-60 years. What if you went on a whim (or as they say, went out on a limb) and quit your job to start your own business without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and spent years trying to get a failing venture off the ground for nothing. What if you invested your savings in something on a whim and lost it all? And in your personal life, what if you walked away from someone on a whim due to frustration only to find out years later that you were called to serve God with them? What if the same happened with a church God had called you to be a part of?

When guided by the Spirit, you have to measure your responses, like to everything. There is a verse in James that says God is untempted by evils and He tempts no one. That essentially means He is not going to be goaded into responding the way the enemy wants Him to. If He responds, His responses will be His Own - something He fully thought through, and not something He got coerced into based on His feelings in the moment.

What sorts of things are you referring to specifically?

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him
I would say it can certainly lead to sins very quickly and very easily, because you are not fully thinking through what you are doing. Maybe in driving an all-terrain vehicle it might not be such a bad thing, but in the spiritual life it can be foolish, and sometimes downright disastrous.

For instance, what if you went on a whim and just got married spontaneously, to the WRONG person? It could hamper your spiritual life for the next 50-60 years. What if you went on a whim (or as they say, went out on a limb) and quit your job to start your own business without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and spent years trying to get a failing venture off the ground for nothing. What if you invested your savings in something on a whim and lost it all? And in your personal life, what if you walked away from someone on a whim due to frustration only to find out years later that you were called to serve God with them? What if the same happened with a church God had called you to be a part of?

When guided by the Spirit, you have to measure your responses, like to everything. There is a verse in James that says God is untempted by evils and He tempts no one. That essentially means He is not going to be goaded into responding the way the enemy wants Him to. If He responds, His responses will be His Own - something He fully thought through, and not something He got coerced into based on His feelings in the moment.

What sorts of things are you referring to specifically?

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him
Have you seen the trailer for the movie Barbie?

There is a scene where it is similar to the Garden of Eden, I believe the writer was influenced from the book of Genesis. Like the seperetine, the Barbie was encouraged to trade "paradise" for the real world. Despite Barbie repeatingly stating she wanted to remain in "paradise". Their version of paradise was superficial and fake. But I have been encouraged by christians and non Christians to go for it and travel abroad and take fun holidays.

Some have shared stories with me about the positive experiences they have had from travelling spontaneously.

I don't equal this to stepping out on faith.

I also have a friend who I am practicing patience with, they are very intelligent but for example when we are at a theme park. It was specifically booked for 1 ride and then we were to leave, she began getting distracted with "oh that is cool let's go there and here" and we ended leaving a little later than planned. And we still got done what we had intended. Now it is okay, as I will be there to grow and learn with them and hope I am given mercy and grace.

But I feel growing in spirit and in age. I think this is a lack of content. Always want to be there and here. Seems very much unstable.
Not here to critize, as I used to regularly act on feelings prior to be born again in the spirit. I regularly hear born again and non Christians sometimes quoting "go for it" encouragment to going on a whim.

But back when I was of the world, I behaved spontaneously not intentionally. It blocked progress and wasn't good back then or in the long run.

I thought based on feelings and temporary pleasure.

What are your thoughts?

Philippians 3:18-21
18 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.
19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

Colossians 3:2
2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Matthew 6:31-33
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

2 Peter 3:10-13
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.
11 Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness,
12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!
13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

These passages urge the Christian to take a long view of things, to anticipate what awaits them in the future and to live today in preparation for what is to come, seeking God's kingdom first, setting their minds on things above, and living godly lives. In contrast, the enemies of the cross of Christ, "live in the now," their minds set on earthly things, serving the fleshly impulses of their belly (i.e. their flesh), glorying in that which should cause them shame (See Romans 1:18-32).

Is there something inherently sinful about spontaneity? No. Spontaneity is only a problem when it becomes the general "style" of one's living, when there is only, or mainly, a focus upon the immediate, upon eking out of the present moment every drop of stimulation possible. God has made us, not for time, but for eternity and we ought to live in reflection of this fact, investing in what is heavenly and eternal rather than in what is earthly and temporary.

James 4:13-15
13 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit."
14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
15 Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

Matthew 6:19-21
19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,
20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Have you seen the trailer for the movie barbie?

Well I have now, LoL.

Not sure if I should be taking the rest of your post seriously or not. :lol

... But as with Adam and Eve, there are always two voices speaking. I would agree with some of what Tenchi wrote that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with spontaneity in and of itself, so long as it is led of the Lord. Just make sure you are hearing from Him and not the darkness. :)


But best of luck to you, whatever in the world this is, LoL.
Not here to critize, as I used to regularly act on feelings prior to be born again in the spirit. I regularly hear born again and non Christians sometimes quoting "go for it" encouragment to going on a whim.

But back when I was of the world, I behaved spontaneously not intentionally. It blocked progress and wasn't good back then or in the long run.

I thought based on feelings and temporary pleasure.

What are your thoughts?
Hi MerciG777

Feelings and temporary pleasures can become deceiving at times. I'm the type that I need proof of everything I question, and especially when it came to making a true decision to come to fully coming to Christ and really getting to know Him and what my relationship to Him was all about. When I first went to a Church a friend of mine invited me to go to back in 1972 I repeated what some call "The Sinners Prayer" and thought that was all I had to do in order to go to heaven, but I was wrong. They were just words I was asked to repeat, but there were just empty words not truly grounded in my heart. I figured once I repeated this prayer I would be safe from going to Hell. It wasn't until 1997 after a tremendous roller coaster ride of what I like to call being a yo-yo Christian as I ran to Him and ran away from Him so many times until my life crashed as I literally fell to the ground and all I had left in me was to look up and cry unto the Lord and there He manifested Himself to me as He proved Himself to me with the greatest love I will ever feel and know. It's all about our relationship with Christ Jesus as none of us are perfect, but being perfected daily as we walk in the light of Christ.
Hi MerciG777

Feelings and temporary pleasures can become deceiving at times. I'm the type that I need proof of everything I question, and especially when it came to making a true decision to come to fully coming to Christ and really getting to know Him and what my relationship to Him was all about. When I first went to a Church a friend of mine invited me to go to back in 1972 I repeated what some call "The Sinners Prayer" and thought that was all I had to do in order to go to heaven, but I was wrong. They were just words I was asked to repeat, but there were just empty words not truly grounded in my heart. I figured once I repeated this prayer I would be safe from going to Hell. It wasn't until 1997 after a tremendous roller coaster ride of what I like to call being a yo-yo Christian as I ran to Him and ran away from Him so many times until my life crashed as I literally fell to the ground and all I had left in me was to look up and cry unto the Lord and there He manifested Himself to me as He proved Himself to me with the greatest love I will ever feel and know. It's all about our relationship with Christ Jesus as none of us are perfect, but being perfected daily as we walk in the light of Christ.
These passages urge the Christian to take a long view of things, to anticipate what awaits them in the future and to live today in preparation for what is to come, seeking God's kingdom first, setting their minds on things above, and living godly lives. In contrast, the enemies of the cross of Christ, "live in the now," their minds set on earthly things, serving the fleshly impulses of their belly (i.e. their flesh), glorying in that which should cause them shame (See Romans 1:18-32).
But I feel growing in spirit and in age. I think this is a lack of content. Always want to be there and here. Seems very much unstable.

This is the Q&A Forum, and I am only allowed to respond to the OP, but I re-couched the question in a slightly different light that might make for a more interesting discussion. If anyone has any thoughts, feel free to respond.
- H

used to regularly act on feelings prior to be born again in the spirit. I regularly hear born again and non Christians sometimes quoting "go for it" encouragment to going on a whim.

The bible uses illustrations of athletes, soldiers and of farmers, three occupations where discipline and hard work count.
So is spontaneous action sinful?
it really depends on what happens. Being spontaneous and getting drunk, leaving a job, marriage etc etc are examples of spontaneous sin.

Look at the people God uses, they are hard working dependable types, who through being devoted to serving God are also willing to listen, obey and step out in faith.

I think the question should really be, are we open to being lead to do something for God.
Being disciplined in our bible readings, being spontaneous in speaking about Jesus?
Not here to critize, as I used to regularly act on feelings prior to be born again in the spirit. I regularly hear born again and non Christians sometimes quoting "go for it" encouragment to going on a whim.

But back when I was of the world, I behaved spontaneously not intentionally. It blocked progress and wasn't good back then or in the long run.

I thought based on feelings and temporary pleasure.

What are your thoughts?
Hey All,
Doesn't it depend on what you are thinking about?
Going on when everybody else is saying quit; fighting on, even though you know you have lost; completing what you started, even if it is just for yourself; aren't these the American way?
General Washington could have just quit at Valley Forge.
The men of The Alamo could have just surrendered. That would have been proper military etiquette. But would we remember them?
Read the account of the men of Wake Island at the beginning of WWII. Their defense of the island forced Japan to divert more resources to defeating them. And in so doing, bought time for America to recover from the Pearl Harbor attack, and get back in the fight.
In many cases, even losing can be a win in the long game of life. And as long as you are in the fight, you have a chance.

Remember the guy who received the one talent and buried it. (Did nothing with it.)
That's not why the rich man gave it to him.
He was expected to use it and grow its value.

That is true for us as believers.
So yeah, go for it.
What have you got to lose?

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,


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