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Bible Study It is all about the Forgiveness of Sins

It is all about the forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness of sins is the main pillar of our Christian faith. Without it there is no relationship with God. The moment of the day we are renewed through the Lord's Prayer, God pours out His blessings!

It is very clear throughout the scripture that God’s main focus was always about providing a redemption plan for sins. He knew this since before creation and executed it perfectly throughout history. What was the whole purpose of the Jewish religion and the Moses law etc.? Redemption (old covenant). What was the main purpose of the coming of Jesus? Redemption (new covenant).

Many Christians today are thinking, we’re good people, never hurt anyone, keeping to ourselves… what sins do we need forgiven? But the reality is, we all start sinning the moment we wake up in the morning. The brain takes us in all kinds of directions (Matthew 5:28, Mark 7:21-23). Some sins can be against God, not necessarily hurting anyone.

When we sin, God separates Himself from us. At that moment we are “wicked” in His sight. Yes, He’ll forgive us later, but after we ask Him to. When we’re done sinning, He’s not going to assume we want Him back. So, Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer as the proper way to reconcile with God.

Saying that the Lord’s Prayer is to be recited daily for the forgiveness of sins, is consistent with other teachings from Jesus. Matthew 18:21-22, Jesus said “… forgive him seventy times seven…”, which is the same as saying just keep on forgiving him; stop counting – every time he comes back to you and asks for forgiveness, forgive him. Then He gave a parable about this likening it to the Kingdom of God. So, we too should keep asking God for forgiveness – daily.

This reality may seem strange to you at first. This is because churches have brainwashed us into thinking differently for years. But keep looking at it and studying the Bible references. You'll see it clearly. And remember, praying the Lord's Prayer daily is not "works". It is obedience.

How did it all get started?

Adam and Eve sinned - the fall. God made clothes for them out of animal skins, Gen 3:21. Implying that animals had to be killed, as sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins. Which also meant He gave them specific instructions on how to present sacrifices to Him when they sin. God gave the specific instructions then, and God gave us the specific instructions now, the Lord's Prayer.

God’s instructions to Moses in the Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, hundreds of commandments, were given to the Jews in the desert. In those early days when the Jews learned the law from Moses, these commandments were precisely and perfectly performed daily by the Levites, designated by God to be the priestly tribe for executing the ceremonial law on behalf of the Jewish people. With the ceremonial law met, their sins were forgiven. As a result, God lived among them, in the form of a smoke pillar by day, and a fire pillar by night (Exo 13:21). God was only able to do this after their sins were forgiven. He would not have been able to otherwise. During that time, God’s blessings poured on them. Protected them from the Egyptians, daily food provided in the desert, etc. Today, we know that that was God’s preparatory provision until the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The main point here is, that the Jews actually carried-out all these difficult precise requirements and repeated them daily (example in Num 28:3-8), for the forgiveness of sins. But today, if you tell someone you have to recite the Lord’s Prayer daily for the daily renewal and forgiveness of sins, they complain. “Do I have to say it daily?…”

Churches today went too far with interpreting the new covenant. Yes, Jesus fulfilled the Leviticus law, and there’s no more need for ceremonial sacrifices. In abolishing the ceremonial law, churches mistakenly also abolished the daily fellowship with God. Saying the Lord’s Prayer daily is not ceremonial law. His sacrifice on the cross morphed us from the daily repeating hundreds of difficult animal and other sacrificial Leviticus requirements, to simply become the daily recital of the Lord’s Prayer to receive the Bread of life from God, and then the Holy Spirit can dwell within us, Luke 11:13.

The daily reciting of the Lord’s Prayer is also our daily fellowship with God, as He always desired. God is the same always. He has the same unchanging Personality. He always wanted daily fellowship with us. From the days of Adam (Gen 3:8), to the daily manna that couldn’t be hoarded more than one day (Exo 16:4), to the ceremonial law of daily sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins (Leviticus and Numbers), to the Lord’s Prayer today (Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke11:2-4).

If you insist on following the teaching of the churches today: “all you have to do is declare belief one time and you’re done”, then God will definitely say He never knew you on judgement day (Matthew 7:23: "Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"). Note that in the Bible it is made clear that in God's sight anyone who's sins are not forgiven, is an "evildoer". Yes, even the nicest person on earth, can be an evildoer if their sins are not forgiven.
The forgiveness of sins is the main pillar of our Christian faith. Without it there is no relationship with God. The moment of the day we are renewed through the Lord's Prayer, God pours out His blessings!

Strange how other than Jesus's mention of it, there is no other mention of it or teaching about the lords prayer.
The main point here is, that the Jews actually carried-out all these difficult precise requirements and repeated them daily (example in Num 28:3-8), for the forgiveness of sins. But today, if you tell someone you have to recite the Lord’s Prayer daily for the daily renewal and forgiveness of sins, they complain. “Do I have to say it daily?…”

I agree. I think the OT requirements of the law taught man the importance of obediance. A shaodow of things to come. And if one knows anything about Hebrew culture and their covenant rules, which were given by God, make it plain that, Blood covenants must be renewed every day. Salt covenants are good for life (friendship covenant).

His love covers a multitude of sins. Did I sin yesterday? I prolly did, so it's a good idea for me to start this day in repentance of yesterday and ask for forgiveness from our Lord.

What's scripture say about when Jesus returns, something about it will be better to be found doing the Lord's work rather than not? Sounds like a warning to me. Whoops, I forgot to say the Lords prayer this morning, if Jesus comes back at noon, am I considered to be caught in sin because I have sin that hasn't been repented of? We have not if we ask not?

Blood covenants must be renewed daily. The Lords Prayer is a fine routine to establish for this purpose. But I believe the Lords Prayer is only a model prayer for us and it's not about word for word recitation, it's about covering all the bases, Lol!

Begins with Praise to Him, then declaration of His will to be done, (Please!), give me my daily bread Lord, forgive me for my sins, keep from the evil one Lord! Spoken from the heart. That's all, it is not about any exact words but from the condition of our heart.

Good post Brother.
It is all about the forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness of sins is the main pillar of our Christian faith. Without it there is no relationship with God. The moment of the day we are renewed through the Lord's Prayer, God pours out His blessings!

It is very clear throughout the scripture that God’s main focus was always about providing a redemption plan for sins. He knew this since before creation and executed it perfectly throughout history. What was the whole purpose of the Jewish religion and the Moses law etc.? Redemption (old covenant). What was the main purpose of the coming of Jesus? Redemption (new covenant).

Many Christians today are thinking, we’re good people, never hurt anyone, keeping to ourselves… what sins do we need forgiven? But the reality is, we all start sinning the moment we wake up in the morning. The brain takes us in all kinds of directions (Matthew 5:28, Mark 7:21-23). Some sins can be against God, not necessarily hurting anyone.

When we sin, God separates Himself from us. At that moment we are “wicked” in His sight. Yes, He’ll forgive us later, but after we ask Him to. When we’re done sinning, He’s not going to assume we want Him back. So, Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer as the proper way to reconcile with God.

Saying that the Lord’s Prayer is to be recited daily for the forgiveness of sins, is consistent with other teachings from Jesus. Matthew 18:21-22, Jesus said “… forgive him seventy times seven…”, which is the same as saying just keep on forgiving him; stop counting – every time he comes back to you and asks for forgiveness, forgive him. Then He gave a parable about this likening it to the Kingdom of God. So, we too should keep asking God for forgiveness – daily.

This reality may seem strange to you at first. This is because churches have brainwashed us into thinking differently for years. But keep looking at it and studying the Bible references. You'll see it clearly. And remember, praying the Lord's Prayer daily is not "works". It is obedience.

How did it all get started?

Adam and Eve sinned - the fall. God made clothes for them out of animal skins, Gen 3:21. Implying that animals had to be killed, as sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins. Which also meant He gave them specific instructions on how to present sacrifices to Him when they sin. God gave the specific instructions then, and God gave us the specific instructions now, the Lord's Prayer.

God’s instructions to Moses in the Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, hundreds of commandments, were given to the Jews in the desert. In those early days when the Jews learned the law from Moses, these commandments were precisely and perfectly performed daily by the Levites, designated by God to be the priestly tribe for executing the ceremonial law on behalf of the Jewish people. With the ceremonial law met, their sins were forgiven. As a result, God lived among them, in the form of a smoke pillar by day, and a fire pillar by night (Exo 13:21). God was only able to do this after their sins were forgiven. He would not have been able to otherwise. During that time, God’s blessings poured on them. Protected them from the Egyptians, daily food provided in the desert, etc. Today, we know that that was God’s preparatory provision until the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The main point here is, that the Jews actually carried-out all these difficult precise requirements and repeated them daily (example in Num 28:3-8), for the forgiveness of sins. But today, if you tell someone you have to recite the Lord’s Prayer daily for the daily renewal and forgiveness of sins, they complain. “Do I have to say it daily?…”

Churches today went too far with interpreting the new covenant. Yes, Jesus fulfilled the Leviticus law, and there’s no more need for ceremonial sacrifices. In abolishing the ceremonial law, churches mistakenly also abolished the daily fellowship with God. Saying the Lord’s Prayer daily is not ceremonial law. His sacrifice on the cross morphed us from the daily repeating hundreds of difficult animal and other sacrificial Leviticus requirements, to simply become the daily recital of the Lord’s Prayer to receive the Bread of life from God, and then the Holy Spirit can dwell within us, Luke 11:13.

The daily reciting of the Lord’s Prayer is also our daily fellowship with God, as He always desired. God is the same always. He has the same unchanging Personality. He always wanted daily fellowship with us. From the days of Adam (Gen 3:8), to the daily manna that couldn’t be hoarded more than one day (Exo 16:4), to the ceremonial law of daily sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins (Leviticus and Numbers), to the Lord’s Prayer today (Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke11:2-4).

If you insist on following the teaching of the churches today: “all you have to do is declare belief one time and you’re done”, then God will definitely say He never knew you on judgement day (Matthew 7:23: "Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"). Note that in the Bible it is made clear that in God's sight anyone who's sins are not forgiven, is an "evildoer". Yes, even the nicest person on earth, can be an evildoer if their sins are not forgiven.

The idea of spending time with the Lord daily, to fellowship with Him, to worship Him, and pray for our family and the things He puts on our heart is certainly biblical.

Confessing our sin is extremely important, however learning to walk-in the Spirit, whereby we are lead by the Spirit, in which we learn to overcome our sinful behavior and youthful lusts is the goal.

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. Galatians 5:16-17

The Lord’s Prayer is wonderful, however our prayer life should grow and develop as we mature. We don’t want to get caught up in a lifestyle of “vain repetition” but be specific and honest and humble before the Lord when asking him to forgive us and cleanse us of any sin we may have.

My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 1 John 2:1

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

If we should sin, then we should be specific in asking for forgiveness.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the Lord’s Prayer and the forgiveness of sins. Very important subject.

I agree. I think the OT requirements of the law taught man the importance of obediance. A shaodow of things to come. And if one knows anything about Hebrew culture and their covenant rules, which were given by God, make it plain that, Blood covenants must be renewed every day. Salt covenants are good for life (friendship covenant).

His love covers a multitude of sins. Did I sin yesterday? I prolly did, so it's a good idea for me to start this day in repentance of yesterday and ask for forgiveness from our Lord.

What's scripture say about when Jesus returns, something about it will be better to be found doing the Lord's work rather than not? Sounds like a warning to me. Whoops, I forgot to say the Lords prayer this morning, if Jesus comes back at noon, am I considered to be caught in sin because I have sin that hasn't been repented of? We have not if we ask not?

Blood covenants must be renewed daily. The Lords Prayer is a fine routine to establish for this purpose. But I believe the Lords Prayer is only a model prayer for us and it's not about word for word recitation, it's about covering all the bases, Lol!

Begins with Praise to Him, then declaration of His will to be done, (Please!), give me my daily bread Lord, forgive me for my sins, keep from the evil one Lord! Spoken from the heart. That's all, it is not about any exact words but from the condition of our heart.

Good post Brother.
Thank you Edward! Yes you got it. Two comments:

- Why not use the perfect words God Himself provided? Why change them? Are we going to make it any better? I think first recite His words. Then babel our needs to Him... I need a job, I need a new car... :)

- Oh but there are many references to the Lord's Prayer, but subtle, which is consistent with the Jesus ways of speaking parables etc..:

1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:16-17
Paul said: …there is one loaf… we all share the one loaf.

2 Corinthians 4:16:
Paul said: …Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.

John 6:32-33 and 6:51
Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you Moses didn’t give you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.” “For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

John 6:57
…the one who “feeds” on me… Using the term “feeds” implying continual. [… give us this day our daily Bread…]

John 6:58
Contains a very clear explanation showing a parallel between the Bread (His body) and the manna in the desert, which couldn’t be hoarded more than one day (Exodus 16:4). Thus, God’s desire for our daily dependence on Him.

John 15:5
The branch is continually nourished by the Vine. Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. Without the Lord’s Prayer daily, a branch will wither and die.

Luke 11:13
Jesus said this right after he taught them His prayer. God is giving the Holy Spirit, “to those who ask Him”. It doesn’t get much clearer than this. Obviously, God will not give you the Holy Spirit unless you ask. But Jesus is clarifying here that by renewing yourself (daily through His prayer), you’ll cleansed and make-way to receive the Holy Spirit.

John 6:26-27
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
Jesus said this after they had been looking for Him all day, then found Him. Another big evidence that the "earthly bread", is not it in the Lord's prayer.

John 6
The entire Chapter 6 from John is all about this. The Pharisees did not get it then; Jesus knowing they did not get it, kept drilling it in with more of actual eating of His flesh and drinking of His blood throughout the chapter. And today you'd think we got it! But most churches and people still don't understand it. At best churches just call it: "basically He died for our sins..." or some other blanket statement like that. But no one knew to link it to the "daily Bread" in the Lord's prayer! Which provides our continuous feeding on Him. And keeping Him in us, and us in Him (John 15:4). This is so big, not to be taken lightly.
Strange how other than Jesus's mention of it, there is no other mention of it or teaching about the lords prayer.
Hello WhoMe,
I meant to answer you. But answered another quote :). Here it is again:

there are many references to the Lord's Prayer, but subtle, which is consistent with the Jesus ways of speaking parables etc..:

1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:16-17
Paul said: …there is one loaf… we all share the one loaf.

2 Corinthians 4:16:
Paul said: …Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.

John 6:32-33 and 6:51
Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you Moses didn’t give you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.” “For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

John 6:57
…the one who “feeds” on me… Using the term “feeds” implying continual. [… give us this day our daily Bread…]

John 6:58
Contains a very clear explanation showing a parallel between the Bread (His body) and the manna in the desert, which couldn’t be hoarded more than one day (Exodus 16:4). Thus, God’s desire for our daily dependence on Him.

John 15:5
The branch is continually nourished by the Vine. Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. Without the Lord’s Prayer daily, a branch will wither and die.

Luke 11:13
Jesus said this right after he taught them His prayer. God is giving the Holy Spirit, “to those who ask Him”. It doesn’t get much clearer than this. Obviously, God will not give you the Holy Spirit unless you ask. But Jesus is clarifying here that by renewing yourself (daily through His prayer), you’ll cleansed and make-way to receive the Holy Spirit.

John 6:26-27
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
Jesus said this after they had been looking for Him all day, then found Him. Another big evidence that the "earthly bread", is not it in the Lord's prayer.

John 6
The entire Chapter 6 from John is all about this. The Pharisees did not get it then; Jesus knowing they did not get it, kept drilling it in with more of actual eating of His flesh and drinking of His blood throughout the chapter. And today you'd think we got it! But most churches and people still don't understand it. At best churches just call it: "basically He died for our sins..." or some other blanket statement like that. But no one knew to link it to the "daily Bread" in the Lord's prayer! Which provides our continuous feeding on Him. And keeping Him in us, and us in Him (John 15:4). This is so big, not to be taken lightly.
Also there is more in my other post in this forum:

And in my website:
(Completely non-profit, no ads, no donations, no fees, no financial profiting of any kind. Completely dedicated to the Lord)
I would have to say the main pillar is our faith in Christ as we believe He will forgive our sins as He gave His life that we have a new regenerated life through God's plan of salvation through Him once and for ever. Within the Mosaic laws, being a shadow of what was to come, there was no saving provisions within the law as it only brought a curse to those who could not follow all 613 laws. Hebrews 10:1-10.

I agree with you that God did make coats of skin to cover the transgression of sin, but again as a foreshadow of He that would come to make a better covenant, a better blood sacrifice for the atonement of our sins once and for all.

As we can read by the animal sacrifices that were only made once a year in the Temple, the Jews continued to fall into sin and would have had to wait another year until the sacrifice was made again. God gave us a better covenant by His free gift of grace through faith to all who will believe in the name of Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:8.

Matthew 6:5-15 Jesus gave us an example of how we should pray after the manner/order of what we call the Lords prayer.

Vs. 14-15 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

True salvation relies on us first asking forgiveness for our sin and then learning how to forgive those who sin against us.

Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
Strange how other than Jesus's mention of it, there is no other mention of it or teaching about the lords prayer.
case in point as the Lord's prayer is glossed over, just as salvation and God's grace that is taken for granted in many churches. Feel good messages that only tickle the ear do not bring us to see the kingdom of God as they are soon forgotten when one leaves out the door at noon.
I agree with you that God did make coats of skin to cover the transgression of sin, but again as a foreshadow of He that would come to make a better covenant, a better blood sacrifice for the atonement of our sins once and for all.

As I understand it, in Hebrew culture there are four layers to a bridal covering. He shed an animals blood and made skins for them which covered them and represented the first layer of a Bridal Covenant. That's the first thing God did for man after we fell, took the first step in getting us into the Bridal Covenant. A foreshadow of a better covenant like you say!
As I understand it, in Hebrew culture there are four layers to a bridal covering. He shed an animals blood and made skins for them which covered them and represented the first layer of a Bridal Covenant. That's the first thing God did for man after we fell, took the first step in getting us into the Bridal Covenant. A foreshadow of a better covenant like you say!
You are talking about the chuppah which means covering or protection that is intended as a roof or covering for the traditional Jewish wedding. Not really sure what that has to do with forgiveness of sins and God's first animal sacrifice for the covering of sin. Could you elaborate on this a little more as it sounds interesting?
there are many references to the Lord's Prayer, but subtle, which is consistent with the Jesus ways of speaking parables etc..
There may be subtle references to the Lords prayer, but there are No teachings on the vital importance of mechanically reciting it.

There is plenty of teaching on the need to live a righteous life,nothing on the !ords prayer forgiving sins.
nothing on the !ords prayer forgiving sins.
Mat 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

go further down and read these two verses.
Mat 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Mat 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
go further down and read these two verses.
Forgiveness is Always conditional on repentance and if an offender repents then we must forgive.
That is what the bible teaches.

But this thread is about being forgiven by mechanically reciting the Lords prayer.
That is what I was referring to.