[__ Prayer __] It is time

Thanks JohnDB and jasonc . That's really interesting. I don't know of anyone over here who has their own well. I suppose there must be some in the countryside, same goes for septic tanks
In the town's and cities everyone is on the grid, but we can choose whether we go onto a meter or not. For some it would be cheaper, for others dearer.
Thanks JohnDB and jasonc . That's really interesting. I don't know of anyone over here who has their own well. I suppose there must be some in the countryside, same goes for septic tanks
In the town's and cities everyone is on the grid, but we can choose whether we go onto a meter or not. For some it would be cheaper, for others dearer.
Once upon a time a long time ago... around the time the Americas were being colonized people didn't trust well water. It usually made people sick.
This was due to the closeness of latrines (old and current) to the water sources. Where there wouldn't be any odor or taste change the bacteria count would be too high. So people drank beer...lots and lots of beer and the rich drank wine. Otherwise they got sick.

So much so that the early colonists in America rushed to make a brewery because even though there was a lot of fresh water they could have drunk they didn't because of what they believed...that water made a person sick who drank too much and not enough beer.
Like bits of history. When you think of it most countries must have gone through that. So did the brewing of the beer refine the water that was in it, or is that what they believed happened to it?
Like bits of history. When you think of it most countries must have gone through that. So did the brewing of the beer refine the water that was in it, or is that what they believed happened to it?
Yes, the alcohol in the beer sanitized the water they made it from. It generally wasn't as alcoholic as traditional American beers today but likely along the lines of what I've experienced in everyday beers on draft in Europe.
I could derail on the disposal of treated sewage into the ocean,lagoon,lakes, rivers.
Yak! Big pollution problem on today's seas and oceans.
Legal up to decade ago.really we treat and deep well inject not far from the aquifer all wells use if they go down that far.
Never heard of an aquifer, so I googled it
They use them within the area I live in (sandstone) but have poor results. They are 'pending investigation'.
Never heard of an aquifer, so I googled it
They use them within the area I live in (sandstone) but have poor results. They are 'pending investigation'.
Natural here,it goes from where I live into South Carolina
Fpl was lost ,lol.guided one to a meter location.old 60 year old address name .