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Bible Study It Is Very Poor Form to Fabricate a Best Guess Answer and Then Argue to Defend It.


Unbelievers are keenly observant toward the behavior and words of Christians. This can be proven by the picky and strangely detailed answers from unbelievers when asked why they reject God or Church involvement. Most likely the most common reason they give is the sloppy and irrelevant talk they have heard from Christians.

Here are some categories of the sloppy Chtistian talk given to the unsaved:

1.) This thread title here itself takes place when an Unbeliever senses they are being shined on by some Christian fumbling around with an indistinct answer to a plain question. Most likely using extra hand, arm movements with poor eye contact. Maybe not even answering their question because they were not listening to it.

2.) Speaking fast and using churchy Bible terms which the Unbeliever has no clue what any of them mean.

3.) Giving huge and detailed answers to small questions which the Unbeliever cannot wait to get away from.

4.) Not being very ready to carefully listen to and directly respond to a question from them. This includes the rudeness of rephrasing or changing their original question. The Unbeliever hearing this type of disrespect for their question will be offended by the Christian trying to act bossy, as if they are supposed to be in charge, just because they are a Christian.

5.) The Christian trying to describe how good a person they have become since asking Jesus into their heart.

Proverbs 29:11 gives good advice for witnessing to Unbelievers. "A fool speaks his whole mind."
Unbelievers are keenly observant toward the behavior and words of Christians. This can be proven by the picky and strangely detailed answers from unbelievers when asked why they reject God or Church involvement. Most likely the most common reason they give is the sloppy and irrelevant talk they have heard from Christians.

Here are some categories of the sloppy Chtistian talk given to the unsaved:

1.) This thread title here itself takes place when an Unbeliever senses they are being shined on by some Christian fumbling around with an indistinct answer to a plain question. Most likely using extra hand, arm movements with poor eye contact. Maybe not even answering their question because they were not listening to it.

2.) Speaking fast and using churchy Bible terms which the Unbeliever has no clue what any of them mean.

3.) Giving huge and detailed answers to small questions which the Unbeliever cannot wait to get away from.

4.) Not being very ready to carefully listen to and directly respond to a question from them. This includes the rudeness of rephrasing or changing their original question. The Unbeliever hearing this type of disrespect for their question will be offended by the Christian trying to act bossy, as if they are supposed to be in charge, just because they are a Christian.

5.) The Christian trying to describe how good a person they have become since asking Jesus into their heart.

Proverbs 29:11 gives good advice for witnessing to Unbelievers. "A fool speaks his whole mind."
In the past 45 years I do not remember meeting even 1 unbeliever who asked a sincere question (about spiritual things). A sincere question is one which is seeking an answer. An insincere question is one which is seeking to evaluate the answer based on one's opinion. Even many Christians often ask insincere questions. Chances are, if a person is frustrated by the answer, they're probably seeking to justify their unbelief.

Yet, God can use just about any answer you give, even if you don't understand the actual need of that person. You just don't know how God is using you at that time, and only He knows what that person needs to hear at that time.
In the past 45 years I do not remember meeting even 1 unbeliever who asked a sincere question (about spiritual things). A sincere question is one which is seeking an answer. An insincere question is one which is seeking to evaluate the answer based on one's opinion. Even many Christians often ask insincere questions. Chances are, if a person is frustrated by the answer, they're probably seeking to justify their unbelief.

Yet, God can use just about any answer you give, even if you don't understand the actual need of that person. You just don't know how God is using you at that time, and only He knows what that person needs to hear at that time.
I agree with the O.P. of Jacob62 ... his list is right on.

If a person doesn't know an answer to a question,,,they shouldn't make believe they do.

I've met a few persons that have sincere questions (a few? Maybe 2 or 3).
But it seemed to me they were just curious, more than trying to find God.
In fact, two of them that I know to this day did not.

But, as you've stated, it can't hurt to let them hear the words of God....
and in all these cases the answers should be evangelical and not instructional/educational.
I too agree with the OP as when someone of unbelief or even babes in Christ starts to ask questions they don't need long theological answers, but simple to the point answers. If one does not know the answer to a question than say so or tell them you don't know, but will find the answer for them as none of us know everything and do need to look many things up for our own knowledge and to share that knowledge with others. In the teacher training course I had to take to become a licensed Evangelist at one time we were taught to keep our teachings simplistic to hold the attention of others and not go over their heads. Some are not yet on milk (unbelievers) some on just milk( new babes in Christ) and some on meat (studiers of the word of God) and you need a balance between all three. As they mature in the word then also will their understanding mature. We were all unbelievers at one time, but it only took a spark to get our fire going.

2 Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Timothy 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
In the past 45 years I do not remember meeting even 1 unbeliever who asked a sincere question (about spiritual things). A sincere question is one which is seeking an answer. An insincere question is one which is seeking to evaluate the answer based on one's opinion. Even many Christians often ask insincere questions. Chances are, if a person is frustrated by the answer, they're probably seeking to justify their unbelief.

Yet, God can use just about any answer you give, even if you don't understand the actual need of that person. You just don't know how God is using you at that time, and only He knows what that person needs to hear at that time.
There is no reference in Scripture to show God uses "just about any irrelevant answer you give.' God is s God of Truth, His Word is precise and powerful, and the intuitive ramblings of rebellion play no part in His Kingdom.
I agree with the O.P. of Jacob62 ... his list is right on.

If a person doesn't know an answer to a question,,,they shouldn't make believe they do.

I've met a few persons that have sincere questions (a few? Maybe 2 or 3).
But it seemed to me they were just curious, more than trying to find God.
In fact, two of them that I know to this day did not.

But, as you've stated, it can't hurt to let them hear the words of God....
and in all these cases the answers should be evangelical and not instructional/educational.
I think you misunderstood my post. I was not disagreeing with the OP. I was merely trying to encourage people that they don't have to have the RIGHT ANSWER.
There is no reference in Scripture to show God uses "just about any irrelevant answer you give.' God is s God of Truth, His Word is precise and powerful, and the intuitive ramblings of rebellion play no part in His Kingdom.
I didn't say that, and I wasn't claiming that God uses foolish replies. I'm merely trying to encourage people not to worry about having the right answer. Of course, we are supposed to give an appropriate answer. 1 Pet. 3:15
I didn't say that, and I wasn't claiming that God uses foolish replies. I'm merely trying to encourage people not to worry about having the right answer. Of course, we are supposed to give an appropriate answer. 1 Pet. 3:15
So, are you indicating an answer is needed just to be saying something?
So, are you indicating an answer is needed just to be saying something?
Peter said to give an answer when someone asks, so it would be inappropriate to stay silent at that time. But why do you keep harping on the negative side? I already said that the answer you give should be appropriate, which means we better pray for wisdom.
Peter said to give an answer when someone asks, so it would be inappropriate to stay silent at that time. But why do you keep harping on the negative side? I already said that the answer you give should be appropriate, which means we better pray for wisdom.
No place in the Bible shows either Jesus or the Apostles giving soft little replies just to fill an uncertain moment.

Praise God for the power He has in His Word.
No place in the Bible shows either Jesus or the Apostles giving soft little replies just to fill an uncertain moment.

Praise God for the power He has in His Word.
I just don't know how you are coming up with such ludicrous misrepresentations. The point I am making is that just because you don't get a response you expect or want, doesn't mean God is not doing His work. But to go with you here, many people have been hindered by someone quoting the Bible. It's a matter of faith and attitude.
I just don't know how you are coming up with such ludicrous misrepresentations. The point I am making is that just because you don't get a response you expect or want, doesn't mean God is not doing His work. But to go with you here, many people have been hindered by someone quoting the Bible. It's a matter of faith and attitude.
Please, this discussion is not about any one individual. Try to speak upon that issue, not about myself.

If you disagree with what the OP presents, please share why.
Thanks again.