This is a very intersting article I stumbled across concerning Focus on the Family and homosexuality.
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Sigmund Freud is the most prominent name in all psychotherapy. He is considered the father of the psychotherapy movement and his ideas permeate later theories and therapies.
Freud further taught that homosexuality resulted from this failure to master the Oedipus complex and he placed the fault on the parents. In his book The Psychological Society, Martin Gross describes Freud’s reasoning:
Freud and many of his modern successors saw homosexuality as the penalty for the boy child’s failure to win the Oedipal battle against a seductive, overbearing, over-affectionate motherâ€â€the classic Mrs. Portnoy. Instead of finally identifying with the hated father at the resolution of the Oedipal rivalry, the child identifies with the mother. Thereafter, the now homosexual male seeks other men as his love object. . . . In the Freudian homosexual model, the penis-adoring child also shows disgust for the penisless woman. This is coupled with his castration fear at the hands of an angry father-rival.4 (Italics in original.)
While few present-day psychoanalysts promote all of Freud’s theories, many continue to promote the Freudian theory of a dominant mother and absent father producing a homosexual son. The Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry describes the current, Freudian-driven view of homosexuality:
Thus, the parental constellation most likely to produce a homosexual or heterosexual with severe homosexual problems was a detached, hostile father and a close-binding, overly intimate, seductive mother who dominated and minimized her husband.5
Sir Karl Popper, who is considered to be one of the greatest philosophers of science, said that Freudian and other such theories, "though posing as sciences, had in fact more in common with primitive myths than with science; that they resembled astrology rather than astronomy."6
Freud’s theories are gross distortions of biblical anthropology and should be rejected by all Christians. And, one of the grossest distortions of God-given truth is Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex. No true child of God can long endure such an heretical formulation. Yet, we conclude from the following evidence that Dobson does.
Last November (1998), Focus on the Family, headed by Dobson, sponsored a conference titled "Homosexuality and Youth." One of the principal speakers at the conference was Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, a Roman Catholic psychotherapist who authored Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality.
In Nicolosi’s book and conference tapes he reveals the Freudian roots of his theory. Nicolosi says:
Typically there is an overly close relationship between mother and son, with the father distant from both of them. . . Perhaps one significant factor is the availability of mother when the boy of 2 or 3 is experiencing problems with the father. A receptive and over-sympathetic mother might provide such a haven of emotional security that the boy would find it easy to disengage totally from such a father.7
In an interview about male homosexuality with Dobson, Nicolosi refers to "poor involvement with the father and an overinvolved mother."
The roots of Freudian Oedipal theory are reflected throughout Nicolosi’s book and conference tapes. However, this would not be surprising to Dobson since he had interviewed Nicolosi on the radio prior to inviting him to be a conference speaker. The tape of that interview is still available from Focus on the Family.
Just as the Oedipus complex is the cornerstone of Freudian psychoanalysis, so too the Oedipus complex is the cornerstone of Reparative Therapy for Male Homosexuals. And, just as lifetime treatment is characteristic of Freudian psychoanalysis, so too is this true of reparative therapy. Nicolosi says:
In his final work, "Analysis: Terminable and Interminable," Freud concluded that analysis is essentially a lifetime process. This is true in the treatment of homosexuality.8
Because Nicolosi begins with a Freudian foundation to his reparative therapy, his proposed solution depends on it. The Dobson-Nicolosi interview reveals that Dobson is very much aware of Nicolosi’s Freudian approach. As a psychologist, Dobson would know that the roots of Nicolosi’s Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality are Freudian. Dobson’s followers should ask him why he would promote a therapeutic approach that originated from a Freudian theory that must have come from the pit of hell. Knowing that the very Freudian ideas Nicolosi revealed in the interview would be promoted, Dobson nevertheless invited Nicolosi to be a principal speaker at the "Homosexuality and Youth" conference last fall. Nicolosi also speaks at Roman Catholic conferences on the same subject.
When people reject the biblical concept of universal sin, they are open to all sorts of aberrations, one of which is Freud’s doctrine of universal childhood fantasies of incest and homicide. Those who denied the very thought of mankind’s fallen nature, as described in Scripture, were ready to believe in a powerful unconscious, motivated by infantile sexuality. Many trusted Freudian teachings that the Oedipus complex, castration anxiety, and penis envy (for women) psychically determine the entire life of every individual.