in,another words learn the truth about the weimer republic and why national banks(reserve printed non,backed money is bad)but not actually learn from why Andrew Jackson hated the idea ,why hamilton loved it and do anything about it ?This thread is not about funding the government on fiat money.
Real change in our nation will come by taking steps, and some of those steps involve our children and what they are taught in school.
How about taking part in the poll?
I learned it on,my own ,from here and reading up on the gold standard and why it's good or bad and the bitcoin and crypto debate .
but ignore that in,2035 the reckoning begins and most millenials see social security as something won't get and why that is . never mind the fact our birthrate is not at replacement levels .
indoctrinate left or right versus critical thinking ,I read up on history a lot . local accounts of genocide outside of Germany are around ,trails of tears anyone ?
this wasnt just Cherokee but any tribe deemed a nuisance.creek,Seminole and Cherokee and others .
now then my point is not mote by your view as my state mandates financial planning for high schoolers .civics ,
should they be taught trump and any politician can flip,flop ,Gingrich has on gay marriage ,
not can the federal government create and force stare curriculum ,they can stipulate funding .my state under Scott refused common core and oddly choose a similar set up but that's another subject .
in,short these 8 with Gingrich is a snow job they will get in,and not try or say we tried since the house isn't quite right leaning ,even if it goes ,good luck getting the liberal states to go along on their curriculum.
don't like your kids learning from,public schools .tada homeschool or private these exist y church partners with one that uses it for a after school,program .not always teaching things I like but not a concern to the elders (a bit pc on history to the left,and I will have to dig into why and what they teach to be sure )a former black church is now a local black history museum ,leans left ,but the only local source of oral and written black history in,a museum . its supported by the larger county historic society ,whose President is hardly a liberal !