- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Jesus as God's First Commandment
Jesus Christ is God's first commandment for Jesus is one with God as part of the Holy Trinity. Only Jesus Christ can appear in heaven in bodily form and still be God appearing before God without being another God placed before God!
When reading Luke 18: 18-29 a couple of things came to mind by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
It starts with verse 18.......
A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
God, as Jesus Christ, responds to the rich ruler in Luke 18: 19-22 …
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good – except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother'”
“All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said.
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “you still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Jesus is showing the rich ruler that since he claims to be following the 10 commandments he has failed the very first one...You shall have no other Gods before me.
The rich ruler's wealth and possessions (hint: his idols) had become his God. Jesus Christ told the ruler to sell all of his possessions (hint: his Gods) and then follow him. The rich ruler needed to sell all that he had in order to follow Jesus Christ (hint: just like all of Jesus Christ's disciples) since Jesus Christ is God become man and having any idols (hint: wealth and possessions) would violate the very first commandment – You shall have no other Gods before me!
Today many Christians are just like the rich ruler where they cannot give up seeking earthly wealth and possessions in their prayers to Jesus (hint: Jesus is God become man). When a Christian prays for worldly possessions, and/or positions of importance, they are presenting their idols to God in their prayers as other Gods, and violating the very first commandment! Is it any wonder why God is so reluctant to answer our prayers!
When theIsraelitestraveled in the wilderness for 40 years they were being led by a pillar of fire and a tower of clouds. The pillar of fire and tower of clouds represent the presence of God (hint: the spirit of Jesus Christ), and as such, God had everyone travel without any possessions (hint: like Jesus Christ's disciples) so as to not violate the first commandment by preventing anyone from turning their possessions into an idol (hint: another God) and then placing it before God!
Another example of Luke 18:18-29 is in the creation of the United States. Many people had to give up all of their possessions just to travel to reach the shores of the United States. God created a nation under God that required a person to leave all of his earthly idols behind so as to not violate the very first commandment. As Americans bring more and more idols and strange Gods into the United States (hint: Islam) God will leave us to our own demise for we have violated God's very first commandment!
It is interesting, that when God addressed both the man and woman right after their sin, God said that mankind had become like 'one of us' – knowing Good and Evil. Since our sin made us 'as a God', which was the original temptation of Satan's in the Garden of Eden, mankind instantly violated the very first commandment. For man himself had become another God (hint: a sinful God) that was now placed before God as another God and therefore mankind HAD to be thrown out of the Garden of Eden!
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died without any possessions so as to not appear before God the Father in heaven after his resurrection as violating the first commandment.
In the desert Satan tried to give Jesus all the kingdoms of this world which would have made Jesus a God of this world. Jesus Christ appeared before God the Father after his resurrection, not as a God of this world full of sin possessing all the kingdoms of this world, but rather as God's sinless son - God the Son himself! (hint: that's a brain twister! Isn't God Great!)
Jesus Christ is God's first commandment for Jesus is one with God as part of the Holy Trinity. Only Jesus Christ can appear in heaven in bodily form and still be God appearing before God without being another God placed before God! (hint: another brain twister!)
God Bless
Jesus Christ is God's first commandment for Jesus is one with God as part of the Holy Trinity. Only Jesus Christ can appear in heaven in bodily form and still be God appearing before God without being another God placed before God!
When reading Luke 18: 18-29 a couple of things came to mind by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
It starts with verse 18.......
A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
God, as Jesus Christ, responds to the rich ruler in Luke 18: 19-22 …
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good – except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother'”
“All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said.
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “you still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Jesus is showing the rich ruler that since he claims to be following the 10 commandments he has failed the very first one...You shall have no other Gods before me.
The rich ruler's wealth and possessions (hint: his idols) had become his God. Jesus Christ told the ruler to sell all of his possessions (hint: his Gods) and then follow him. The rich ruler needed to sell all that he had in order to follow Jesus Christ (hint: just like all of Jesus Christ's disciples) since Jesus Christ is God become man and having any idols (hint: wealth and possessions) would violate the very first commandment – You shall have no other Gods before me!
Today many Christians are just like the rich ruler where they cannot give up seeking earthly wealth and possessions in their prayers to Jesus (hint: Jesus is God become man). When a Christian prays for worldly possessions, and/or positions of importance, they are presenting their idols to God in their prayers as other Gods, and violating the very first commandment! Is it any wonder why God is so reluctant to answer our prayers!
When theIsraelitestraveled in the wilderness for 40 years they were being led by a pillar of fire and a tower of clouds. The pillar of fire and tower of clouds represent the presence of God (hint: the spirit of Jesus Christ), and as such, God had everyone travel without any possessions (hint: like Jesus Christ's disciples) so as to not violate the first commandment by preventing anyone from turning their possessions into an idol (hint: another God) and then placing it before God!
Another example of Luke 18:18-29 is in the creation of the United States. Many people had to give up all of their possessions just to travel to reach the shores of the United States. God created a nation under God that required a person to leave all of his earthly idols behind so as to not violate the very first commandment. As Americans bring more and more idols and strange Gods into the United States (hint: Islam) God will leave us to our own demise for we have violated God's very first commandment!
It is interesting, that when God addressed both the man and woman right after their sin, God said that mankind had become like 'one of us' – knowing Good and Evil. Since our sin made us 'as a God', which was the original temptation of Satan's in the Garden of Eden, mankind instantly violated the very first commandment. For man himself had become another God (hint: a sinful God) that was now placed before God as another God and therefore mankind HAD to be thrown out of the Garden of Eden!
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died without any possessions so as to not appear before God the Father in heaven after his resurrection as violating the first commandment.
In the desert Satan tried to give Jesus all the kingdoms of this world which would have made Jesus a God of this world. Jesus Christ appeared before God the Father after his resurrection, not as a God of this world full of sin possessing all the kingdoms of this world, but rather as God's sinless son - God the Son himself! (hint: that's a brain twister! Isn't God Great!)
Jesus Christ is God's first commandment for Jesus is one with God as part of the Holy Trinity. Only Jesus Christ can appear in heaven in bodily form and still be God appearing before God without being another God placed before God! (hint: another brain twister!)
God Bless