I think there is more to Mary. There are Old Testament "types" of Mary as well. The Bush burning forth from barren ground, burning yet not consumed. The Eastern gate that the King of Glory passed through which shall never again be opened. God chose the tabernacle to be His seat, and was very specific about this ark (Ex 25-30). I don't really believe that God would be any less specific concerning who would bear Christ as His mother. If we believe the Son is begotten before all ages as God the Son, then God ordained before all ages that Mary would be this ark. God wanted his words housed in a perfect container, golden within and without, highly specific about how this ark would seat Him. No less, God was specific in Mary, and would choose no less a residence for God the Word.
Inside the Ark, there were the stone tablets of the law. Within Mary was Jesus Christ, Word of God in the flesh. Inside the Ark was the manna, the miraculous bread which came down from heaven. Within Mary was Jesus, the bread of life coming down from heaven. Inside the Ark was the budded Rod of Aaron which proved and defended the station of the high priest. Within Mary was Christ the Eternal High Priest.
David asks in the Old Testament, "How can the Ark of the Lord come to me?" in 2 Samuel 6:9. Elizabeth asks in the New, "Why is this granted me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" in Luke 1:43. All are very interesting parallels all things considered, ones that I find hard to dismiss, ones that make me feel that Mary is more honored than I originally would have assumed.