wavy said:Alright, cj. How do you ask Vic to "forgive you", and then turn around and do the same thing again that he has to "forgive" you for?
Do you think "forgive me" changes the rest of the content?
Ahh, the forgive me was for what may seem like a confrontation with him.
Wavy,... honestly, I believe you didn't even know the true meaning of antisemitic, and just used it to try and strengthen your point.
But lets move to what you say below....
wavy said:Anyway, you obviosuly missed the point of everything, and still associate Torah with "Judaism" (which is wrong).
No, I don't think so. I'm very clear on what the Torah is and what Judaism is.
And I understood clearly what you were attempting to do. Your first tactic was to try and associate the negativity associated with the word antisemitic with the belief that what you and others call "keeping" the law is false.
Fact is its not. Understanding your actions of "keeping" the Torah as foolish is in no way antisemitic, for even the present-day Jews think of you in the same way.
Being antisemitic is holding to the belief that persons of Hebrew heritage are of a lower humanity tha others. I doubt any on these boards are this way. And yet you would seek to suggest such an ugly thing in order to support your stand.
Really, I was actually restrained in my comments to you about your "antisemitic" speaking.
As far as associating what you foolishly define as "Torah" as being Judaism, I don't, and never did.
Judaism is a religion, the Torah is the five books of Moses, also called the Pentateuch, containing the foundation of Jewish law and practice.
The word “Torah†comes from the Hebrew root Hey|Reish|Hey, which means “to teach.†The Torah contains the basis and history of Judaism. The Torah is comprised of two components: The Written Torah and the Oral Torah. According to Jewish learning, they were both delivered to Moses at Mount Sinai. The Written Torah is comprised of the Five Books of Moses. Each book is called a Chumash, and depending on the context, Torah refers to either the chumash or the entirety of Jewish scripture and oral tradition. Strictly and commonly speaking, Torah is defined as "law" and refers to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament. More broadly, it may refer to the whole Old Testament or the whole of Jewish religious writing both ancient and modern.
wavy said:You skipped the content to do the usual: talk, talk, talk...
I've skipped nothing Wavy,.... on the contrary, I'm just getting started.
wavy said:Sorry, O cj, if things are running the way you designed them in your world...
Another of your nothing comments.
In love,