The line was cut off at Jeconiah, at the time of the deportation to Babylon. Also, Jesus was not Joseph's biological son, so the line would not have passed through Joseph to Him anyway, thought it would appear to be so to those not familiar with the fact the throne could not longer be inherited through Jeconiah. However, Mary also was descended from David. His son Nathan was her ancestor (see Luke 3:31) and it was through her that Jesus could rightly inherit the throne as a Son of David. Remember, too, in the Jewish culture, identity as a Jew, that inheritance, is through the mother. He was doubly marked as the King of kings by this fact.
I've been away last week visiting my parents in the Inverness Florida area, and it's times like this I don't come on the forum to reflect, but I'm back again and been posting the last few days.
Ah yes, the royal lineage. Yes Jeconiah is the last King reigning
in Judah so that none of his blood offspring would reign any longer. There was a breach in the Pharez lineage prophesied in Genesis (and continued on in the Zarah lineage, but that's another story for another day tracing that line of ruling Kings over Israel) and Jesus (Yeshua) is known as the restorer of that breach.
The problem is, Yahweh promised a continual and ongoing throne in that lineage (de facto right), but then pronounced that curse thus seemingly nullifying it. What gives? The only way to remedy this without breaking the original promise was to have an adopted son (the way Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh) in the rightful lineage, but not of the blood lineage of Jeconiah. In short, Solomon was Jesus' great, great, great .... uncle, and not a great, great, great grandfather. He came thru the alternate lineage of David's son Nathan, thereby both a blood descendent of King David and his legal heir took the throne, keeping Yahweh's promise to David, while bypassing the curse. Thus Jesus is King de jure until He comes again to claim the throne by right regardless of who is on it at that time. It reminds me of the master who took that journey and his estate was being taken care of by stewards.