Just a normal guy who met Jesus


Aug 21, 2023
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I grew up in a Christian family but had not encountered the God we prayed to. For 16 years I yearned for something, I did not know what it was but something was missing. I would hear my dad pray for me every morning at 4 am then my mum every day at 6 am. It was their routine.
Now when I turned 17 something amazing happened I read a book. Good morning Holy Spirit. I loved it. I could relate to God and talk to him as a person. I could pray and he answers. I received the Lord there and then. Two weeks later I attended a conference was prayed for and received the Holy Ghost. It felt as if I was on fire and I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. Its been an amazing journey. I remember. this other time I had a question I was worried about , I asked casually and he answered immediately and said I am your rest and you are my beloved. For some reason I continued to worry but then as I went to my room during my time of prayer I found the Lord there waiting for me . In that moment I knew how loved I was and how important I was to Jesus. I fell in love with God's character and who he is.
Its my absolute pleasure to be here with you all
What a wonderful testimony...thank you for sharing that.

Sweet seventeen. I was the same age when i got saved, happy to have you here nash ?
Sweet 17 Indeed . Thank you for having me Br4nd0n ,you should totally tell me your sweet 17 Story ?
Hi Mnashe and welcome to CF :wave2

Love the testimony and your sincerity in the love of God. God bless you on your journey as you draw closer to the Lord and your relationship with Him.
Sweet 17 Indeed . Thank you for having me Br4nd0n ,you should totally tell me your sweet 17 Story ?
Well, thank you nash, its nothing spectacular, but id be happy to ?

i think my dad was the only really positive influence in my upbringing regarding my spiritual life, although he was not a Christian. He tried his best to show me the right path. And i failed a lot at finding it. I just turned 17 and found myself addicted to looking at women. And i knew in my heart it was wrong. So i made a commitment to stop. Very shortly after that descision, my friend invited me to a lock-in at a church, where all the teens spend the night at the church, hanging out and doing certain activities throughout the evening and morning. A pastor was at the front. He made an analogy of getting our teeth cleaned at the dentist. And how Jesus does that to our spirit. He invited anyone up to get clean. And with my addiction, i knew i wanted to be clean. So i went up. And my youth pastor had me recite a prayer while all my friends were laying hands on me. I dont remember what i said. But that was the day i was saved.

Thanks for letting me share that. It brings back alot.
Awesome testimony as hope you can continue to grow in the Lord. You know you are very young and that you are very wise beyond your years. Putting God first through Jesus will be important to your life my friend. Praying you continue to grow in Him. Welcome as hope you enjoy the boards.
Welcome to these forums!

Interesting name. The Hebrew pronunciation of Manasseh. Is there a story to that?