alright. As a few ppl know, I work ina nursing home.run by an episcopal church. one of my co-workers, ashley, is very deeply religous. She is studying he bible and christianity as a whole. well, we have alot of pretty deep talks. We talk about human morality and everything. Well, eventually, the topic of my religion popped up, and she was, like most christians, surprised.
atheist? you? and you like working with the elderly? well, it only took her a few minutes to get over the steryotypes, and we talked about how i enjoy debating with people. SHe asked, how i felt about christianity as a whole.
well, I explained that, the theory of christianity (love everyone, peace, prosperity, happiness) is good, its a great thing. However, when you try to organize it, people that have diffrent opinions on happiness, diffrent interpretations ect, things get out of hand.
We went through which sect is right, and then i began to explain abotu 2 ppl on this forum.
BB and stovebolts. You were both my examples. Stove, you were my example, of a christian similar to ashley. You seemed more concerned, about being like jesus. Being peacfull, happy, seeking jesus's guidance, then going out and trying to force others to do it, or telling others that they are wrong. Im not sure if this is 100% like you, but she was saying how, although she studies the bible, the bible does is not why she is christian. It is pure faith, it comes from the heart, and from the soul. A material book, can not help you get to heaven, if your soul and your heart, are impure. she said that the only way to reach salvation, and be like jesus (and eventually with him) is to follow his path. TO walk as he did on earth. Help those in need, but when people refuse, to let them use their free will. ANd later, if they decide to change, to help them find god.
Then we talked abotu the exact opposite of her, which is BB. Now i know, when i tell a story abotu u, i would glorify myself, and make you seem worse than you are, SO i told her, ahead of time, to be wary of that.
She said that you remind her of a counselor she once had at a VBC. She said, the counselor was too concerned with others sins, and tryign to fix the world, then to follow the path of jesus. We both agreed that there are people that give each religion a bad and good name. her, and stovebolts, give christianity a good name, and would make it appealing to anyone. Falwell, BB, her councilor, well, dont...
then we got into the most interesting topic. End time prophecys. Well first, she sorta ranted at me for being like the pharisees' for wanting proof of jesus's existance, but then we got into the end time prophecy. How the world would get worse and worse, until jesus came. In her belief, she believes that the christians, are hurting jesus, more than others are. (yes of course, there are some ppl of other religions that are horrible, but..)
we tried to figure out, which is worse. Followers, that are not properly spreading the words of god. Who tell people to walk in the path of jesus, but dont walk in their own, or unbelievers. We sorta came to the conclusion, that it would be the dilluted minds of those that get so hyped on the term christian, and not on jesus.
idunno that was really long, but it was a great convo i had with this person, ANd i really wanted to share. My familly would have gotten to the first line and been like "i have to go now" and ehh idunnno. so anyways. Its a good topic to think about (think deeply) there is more than just this at the surface. It is like a huge zit. u can see it, u know its there, But u dont know how much, until it is taken care of.
atheist? you? and you like working with the elderly? well, it only took her a few minutes to get over the steryotypes, and we talked about how i enjoy debating with people. SHe asked, how i felt about christianity as a whole.
well, I explained that, the theory of christianity (love everyone, peace, prosperity, happiness) is good, its a great thing. However, when you try to organize it, people that have diffrent opinions on happiness, diffrent interpretations ect, things get out of hand.
We went through which sect is right, and then i began to explain abotu 2 ppl on this forum.
BB and stovebolts. You were both my examples. Stove, you were my example, of a christian similar to ashley. You seemed more concerned, about being like jesus. Being peacfull, happy, seeking jesus's guidance, then going out and trying to force others to do it, or telling others that they are wrong. Im not sure if this is 100% like you, but she was saying how, although she studies the bible, the bible does is not why she is christian. It is pure faith, it comes from the heart, and from the soul. A material book, can not help you get to heaven, if your soul and your heart, are impure. she said that the only way to reach salvation, and be like jesus (and eventually with him) is to follow his path. TO walk as he did on earth. Help those in need, but when people refuse, to let them use their free will. ANd later, if they decide to change, to help them find god.
Then we talked abotu the exact opposite of her, which is BB. Now i know, when i tell a story abotu u, i would glorify myself, and make you seem worse than you are, SO i told her, ahead of time, to be wary of that.
She said that you remind her of a counselor she once had at a VBC. She said, the counselor was too concerned with others sins, and tryign to fix the world, then to follow the path of jesus. We both agreed that there are people that give each religion a bad and good name. her, and stovebolts, give christianity a good name, and would make it appealing to anyone. Falwell, BB, her councilor, well, dont...
then we got into the most interesting topic. End time prophecys. Well first, she sorta ranted at me for being like the pharisees' for wanting proof of jesus's existance, but then we got into the end time prophecy. How the world would get worse and worse, until jesus came. In her belief, she believes that the christians, are hurting jesus, more than others are. (yes of course, there are some ppl of other religions that are horrible, but..)
we tried to figure out, which is worse. Followers, that are not properly spreading the words of god. Who tell people to walk in the path of jesus, but dont walk in their own, or unbelievers. We sorta came to the conclusion, that it would be the dilluted minds of those that get so hyped on the term christian, and not on jesus.
idunno that was really long, but it was a great convo i had with this person, ANd i really wanted to share. My familly would have gotten to the first line and been like "i have to go now" and ehh idunnno. so anyways. Its a good topic to think about (think deeply) there is more than just this at the surface. It is like a huge zit. u can see it, u know its there, But u dont know how much, until it is taken care of.