That statement would be incorrect. Not all the Disciples fled the foot of the cross. John was present, as was James I think?? As to the disciples who fled, they did not look for Him at the foot of the cross, they looked for him at his tomb, but he was not there. They talked with him on a road, though they knew not that it was he.
Who returned to the foot of the cross? Those who came to bury him, and lay him in his tomb.
Who remained at the foot of the cross? No one.
Where did they look for Christ? At the Cross or at his tomb?
Where did they find Christ? Not on the cross. And Not in his tomb.
When the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, were they waiting at the cross? Were they waiting at his tomb? Or were they waiting in some upper room as they were instructed to do?