VaultZero4Me said:
really? All you had to do was click on the links I gave -- and... you actually did it? clicked?
Piltdown was discovered in 1908, and in 1953
True enough - 40+ years of fraud used to prop up the junk-science religion we call today "atheist darwinism".
it was discovered, by science, to be a hoax.
Funny how science has a way of debunking the junk-science claims of atheist darwinism.
EVEN if it is a 40-year-fraud that is being debunked.
You realize that it was over 50 years ago right?
Is it your claim that this is the only 40 year fraud in the junk-science religion we call atheist darwinism?
Is it your claim "no frauds SINCE then"???
Or are you simply saying that the ENTIRE PILE OF FRAUDS should be mentioned whenever we speak of the junk-science religion called atheist darwinism -- we dare not only pick ONE?
Which one is "your point"??
Or hace you just "epoxed the weakness of your arguments by grasping at that straw?"
Or better yet -- in all the snide comments about how LOOKING at the facts of the Piltdown hoax and how many scientists "fell for it" would be a shocking embarrassment for Christians who doubted the hoax all along -- perhaps the "new strategy" is to start "admitting to history" and claiming no matter the pile of hoaxes it matters not to atheist darwinist believers!!
Hint for the objective unbiased reader -- darwinist devotees almost ALWAYS tell you the fallacy they are practicing IN THEIR OWN WORDS as they try to find reasons to prop up atheist darwinism.