Blazin Bones
Mission Trip Report
From June 4 until June 11, a thirty-one member team from my church went to Corbin Kentucky. We did all kinds of ministries there, including:
Back Yard Bible Clubs: Monday-Wednesday
Youth Rallies: Sunday-Wednesday
Tore apart the inside of a building
Helped at an assisted living home
Brought supplies to a women shelter
The week was a blast, and God blessed the work we did. The best part of the trip was the fellowship that grew between the members of our team, and between the Corbin Folk and our team. We had such an awesome time, and did some really awesome work.
From June 4 until June 11, a thirty-one member team from my church went to Corbin Kentucky. We did all kinds of ministries there, including:
Back Yard Bible Clubs: Monday-Wednesday
Youth Rallies: Sunday-Wednesday
Tore apart the inside of a building
Helped at an assisted living home
Brought supplies to a women shelter
The week was a blast, and God blessed the work we did. The best part of the trip was the fellowship that grew between the members of our team, and between the Corbin Folk and our team. We had such an awesome time, and did some really awesome work.