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Bible Study KJV vs. NIV (& others)

I believe the "true" Bible to be all of the words of God before they were tampered with and before councils decided which were worthy to be in the canon. I also do not believe in a closed canon but that God has much to say to His children.

As far as the english translations, there are some that are better then others. The NIV is not one of them.
Lyric's Dad said:
As far as the english translations, there are some that are better then others. The NIV is not one of them.

Meaning, you don't read the NIV?
Read for yourself and be the judge in light of historical evidence. One of the best things to do is get an NIV, NASB, NRV or whatever modern version you desire and compare it to the nearly 400 year old King James which wasn't corrupted with Egyptian Gnostic philosophy and Alexandrian scholars and draw your own conclusions. Compare scripture verses with each one NIV vs KJV, NASB vs KJV and you'll see many changes. Colossians 1:14 is a great start where most all modern bibles leave out "through his blood". Acts 8:37 is another good comparison. Whole verses are left out or consigned to a footnote about the validity of that particular verse. ... cforv1.htm
D46 said:
Read for yourself and be the judge in light of historical evidence. One of the best things to do is get an NIV, NASB, NRV or whatever modern version you desire and compare it to the nearly 400 year old King James which wasn't corrupted with Egyptian Gnostic philosophy and Alexandrian scholars and draw your own conclusions. Compare scripture verses with each one NIV vs KJV, NASB vs KJV and you'll see many changes. Colossians 1:14 is a great start where most all modern bibles leave out "through his blood". Acts 8:37 is another good comparison. Whole verses are left out or consigned to a footnote about the validity of that particular verse. ... cforv1.htm
Oh, the KJV has some errors too.

We do not have a translation that is without error. Too many human hands in the mix over the years and things have gotten taken away or changed. Things that did not square with the current thought were removed. Complete books were decided to not be Bible worthy.
seb said:
Lyrics Dad, what do you read?
I mainly read the KJV but the most accurate is the Rotherham Emphasized. I read the KJV because that is what is used in my Church.
Some translations are a word for word translation, while others are a thought translation. The NIV is a thought translation, and I don't have a problem with that.

Every translation has it's strengths and weaknesses, and as such have their value.

I am glad that I don't look to any certain translation as being the ultimate authority, as I might be tempted to become (God forbid) a student of the book.

I don't have a problem getting the same meaning out of the King James and other versions including the NIV.

I study the word of God for the thought of what the author was trying to communicate, and find the NIV helpful with that.
I am a strong believer in NIV onlyism. :-?

Reading any Bible except the NIV is dangerous. :roll:

I have read and studied the KJV only position from both sides (I have several KJV only books) and find the discussion devisive and pointless.

If someone likes the KJV, read the KJV.

But don't tell me I am not a Christian because I read the NAS, NIV, NCV, and other newer translations.
I think the fact that we have so many different translations is telling of a serious problem in the first place. So many people have thought they could come up with a better translation and in the process, the Word of God has been compromised.

This is the same problem though with the evangelical church in general. No continuity. The churches are not together on what the Word of God says and have therefore struck out and decided what to teach. From the babbling of tongues (which are not tongues anyway) to the debate of what Baptism means and if it is necessarry to the debate on the Sacrament of the Lords Table.

Too much man has been injected into the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that it has been diluted. The fact that we have so many different translations of the Bible is just one more symptom of a problematic creedal church system.
Lyric's Dad said:
I think the fact that we have so many different translations is telling of a serious problem in the first place. So many people have thought they could come up with a better translation and in the process, the Word of God has been compromised.

This is the same problem though with the evangelical church in general. No continuity. The churches are not together on what the Word of God says and have therefore struck out and decided what to teach. From the babbling of tongues (which are not tongues anyway) to the debate of what Baptism means and if it is necessary to the debate on the Sacrament of the Lords Table.

Too much man has been injected into the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that it has been diluted. The fact that we have so many different translations of the Bible is just one more symptom of a problematic creedal church system.

I don't view that as a problem. In fact that is the way it should be (IMO) Otherwise I might find myself attempting to rely on the Bible for my Salvation as opposed to relying upon Jesus.

Among other things, such as to provide encouragement. The purpose of the word that was inspired by God, that is contained in the Bible: Is to lead us to the Christ. Once that has taken place in an individuals life. Then Jesus is supposed to take over.

So as long as a translation is providing that service I would not sweat it in any way.
Khristeeanos said:
I am a strong believer in NIV onlyism. :-?

Reading any Bible except the NIV is dangerous. :roll:

I have read and studied the KJV only position from both sides (I have several KJV only books) and find the discussion devisive and pointless.

If someone likes the KJV, read the KJV.

But don't tell me I am not a Christian because I read the NAS, NIV, NCV, and other newer translations.

Just so you know the facts,

Many who are responsible for the changes in the bibles of NIV, NAS, RS, LB, NRS, NKJ and NCV did not believe that Jesus was God and even a few did not believe in God at all. Knowing this, we can see why they were quite willing to change the word of God. They all leave out dozens of references to the deity of Jesus Christ, and they add words which tend to question His virgin birth, and His substitutionary death (which fully satisfy atonement). The new additions are marked by additions and subtractions. Also, some four whole pages of words, phrases, sentences and verses have been omitted by these new versions.
seb said:
Khristeeanos said:
I am a strong believer in NIV onlyism. :-?

Reading any Bible except the NIV is dangerous. :roll:

I have read and studied the KJV only position from both sides (I have several KJV only books) and find the discussion devisive and pointless.

If someone likes the KJV, read the KJV.

But don't tell me I am not a Christian because I read the NAS, NIV, NCV, and other newer translations.

Just so you know the facts,

Many who are responsible for the changes in the bibles of NIV, NAS, RS, LB, NRS, NKJ and NCV did not believe that Jesus was God and even a few did not believe in God at all. Knowing this, we can see why they were quite willing to change the word of God. They all leave out dozens of references to the deity of Jesus Christ, and they add words which tend to question His virgin birth, and His substitutionary death (which fully satisfy atonement). The new additions are marked by additions and subtractions. Also, some four whole pages of words, phrases, sentences and verses have been omitted by these new versions.

Well Seb...Just so you know the facts,

I am aware of your facts, But none of those omissions have taken anything away from my picture of the deity of Jesus Christ, or the Virgin Birth. You would find that my picture would not be any different than yours. And the NIV is the translation that I prefer to read. According to your expressed concerns I find that real strange.

As for the Atonement...That is what the old covenant provided through the blood of goats. (A covering that had to be repeated over and over again.) The blood of Jesus provides a better sacrifice. That offers us permanent reconciliation with God.

Hebrews 10:14 NIV.
because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
Windozer said:
seb said:
Khristeeanos said:
I am a strong believer in NIV onlyism. :-?

Reading any Bible except the NIV is dangerous. :roll:

I have read and studied the KJV only position from both sides (I have several KJV only books) and find the discussion devisive and pointless.

If someone likes the KJV, read the KJV.

But don't tell me I am not a Christian because I read the NAS, NIV, NCV, and other newer translations.

Just so you know the facts,

Many who are responsible for the changes in the bibles of NIV, NAS, RS, LB, NRS, NKJ and NCV did not believe that Jesus was God and even a few did not believe in God at all. Knowing this, we can see why they were quite willing to change the word of God. They all leave out dozens of references to the deity of Jesus Christ, and they add words which tend to question His virgin birth, and His substitutionary death (which fully satisfy atonement). The new additions are marked by additions and subtractions. Also, some four whole pages of words, phrases, sentences and verses have been omitted by these new versions.

Well Seb...Just so you know the facts,

I am aware of your facts, But none of those omissions have taken anything away from my picture of the deity of Jesus Christ, or the Virgin Birth. You would find that my picture would not be any different than yours. And the NIV is the translation that I prefer to read. According to your expressed concerns I find that real strange.

As for the Atonement...That is what the old covenant provided through the blood of goats. (A covering that had to be repeated over and over again.) The blood of Jesus provides a better sacrifice. That offers us permanent reconciliation with God.
The caps represent what has been removed/changed in the NIV from the original KJV.

Luke 2:33
NIV[The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him.]
KJV[And JOSEPH and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.]

1 Peter 4:1
NIV[... Christ suffered ...]
KJV[... Christ suffered FOR US...]

Colossians 1:14
NIV[in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.]
KJV[In whom we have redemption THROUGH HIS BLOOD, even the forgiveness of sins.]

Luke 11:2-4
NIV[Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come]
KJV[Our Father WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come]


NIV[...And lead us not into temptation]
KJV[...And lead us not into temptation; BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL]

Romans 13:9
NIV[The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet"...]
KJV[For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, THOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS, Thou shalt not covet...]

Matthew 5:44
NIV[But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,]
KJV[But I say unto you, Love your enemies, BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THEM THAT HATE YOU, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you]

Matthew 6:13
NIV[And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.]
KJV[And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, FOREVER, AMEN.]

Matthew 17:21
NIV[ entire passage removed ]

Matthew 18:11
NIV[ entire passage removed ]

seb said:
The caps represent what has been removed/changed in the NIV from the original KJV.
The KJV isn't the original. It is a translation of copies of the originals. As such, the KJV isn't authoritative, it can't be used as the measuring stick. You have to look at the manucripts, at the ancient copies of the originals in the original language, and when you do so you see that it is the KJV that added and/or mistranslated these verses---the NIV gets it right, the KJV has it wrong.
D46 said:
Read for yourself and be the judge in light of historical evidence. One of the best things to do is get an NIV, NASB, NRV or whatever modern version you desire and compare it to the nearly 400 year old King James which wasn't corrupted with Egyptian Gnostic philosophy and Alexandrian scholars and draw your own conclusions. Compare scripture verses with each one NIV vs KJV, NASB vs KJV and you'll see many changes. Colossians 1:14 is a great start where most all modern bibles leave out "through his blood". Acts 8:37 is another good comparison. Whole verses are left out or consigned to a footnote about the validity of that particular verse. ... cforv1.htm

By what mechanism of infallibility were men able to do a translation without error?
cubedbee said:
The KJV isn't the original.

I know. I meant original in the sense that the New King James Version (NKJV) exists, and not to confuse it with that.
seb said:
cubedbee said:
The KJV isn't the original.

I know. I meant original in the sense that the New King James Version (NKJV) exists, and not to confuse it with that.
Oh, of course, you want people to look at the KJV, because it lacks the footnotes of the NKJV. If anyone would read the NKJV, which is a faithful updating of the KJV to modern language, then they would see a footnote for every single "ommission" that you mentioned that says "NU-text ommits" or "NU-text reads" exactly what the NIV does. And the NU-text just happens to be the oldest, closest to the original, text that we have.
seb said:
Windozer said:
seb said:
Khristeeanos said:
I am a strong believer in NIV onlyism. :-?

Reading any Bible except the NIV is dangerous. :roll:

I have read and studied the KJV only position from both sides (I have several KJV only books) and find the discussion divisive and pointless.

If someone likes the KJV, read the KJV.

But don't tell me I am not a Christian because I read the NAS, NIV, NCV, and other newer translations.

Just so you know the facts,

Many who are responsible for the changes in the bibles of NIV, NAS, RS, LB, NRS, NKJ and NCV did not believe that Jesus was God and even a few did not believe in God at all. Knowing this, we can see why they were quite willing to change the word of God. They all leave out dozens of references to the deity of Jesus Christ, and they add words which tend to question His virgin birth, and His substitutionary death (which fully satisfy atonement). The new additions are marked by additions and subtractions. Also, some four whole pages of words, phrases, sentences and verses have been omitted by these new versions.

Well Seb...Just so you know the facts,

I am aware of your facts, But none of those omissions have taken anything away from my picture of the deity of Jesus Christ, or the Virgin Birth. You would find that my picture would not be any different than yours. And the NIV is the translation that I prefer to read. According to your expressed concerns I find that real strange.

As for the Atonement...That is what the old covenant provided through the blood of goats. (A covering that had to be repeated over and over again.) The blood of Jesus provides a better sacrifice. That offers us permanent reconciliation with God.
The caps represent what has been removed/changed in the NIV from the original KJV.

Luke 2:33
NIV[The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him.]
KJV[And JOSEPH and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.]

1 Peter 4:1
NIV[... Christ suffered ...]
KJV[... Christ suffered FOR US...]

Colossians 1:14
NIV[in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.]
KJV[In whom we have redemption THROUGH HIS BLOOD, even the forgiveness of sins.]

Luke 11:2-4
NIV[Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come]
KJV[Our Father WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come]


NIV[...And lead us not into temptation]
KJV[...And lead us not into temptation; BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL]

Romans 13:9
NIV[The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet"...]
KJV[For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, THOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS, Thou shalt not covet...]

Matthew 5:44
NIV[But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,]
KJV[But I say unto you, Love your enemies, BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THEM THAT HATE YOU, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you]

Matthew 6:13
NIV[And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.]
KJV[And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, FOREVER, AMEN.]

Matthew 17:21
NIV[ entire passage removed ]

Matthew 18:11
NIV[ entire passage removed ]

Winddozer said:
Well Seb...Just so you know the facts,

I am aware of your facts,

And you have not posted anything that I was not aware of. If you are you attempting to get me to see it as you see it, give it up...It won't work. Because I also have read and studied the KJV only position from both sides and find the discussion divisive and pointless.