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Late Great Planet Earth's Hal Lindsey's 4 Wives


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Many people are familiar with Hal Lindsey's book "Late Great Planet Earth" and some of his many other books. He is a regular writer of pro-Republican Party articles on World Net Daily and hosts a weekly political television show.

He is known for his very pro-Israel views, known as "Christian Zionism." I could go on about why I think this is false doctrine, including that the Bible teaches that Christians are not to show partiality. James 2:1 says we are to "have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons."

It goes on to talk about a rich man, wearing a gold ring and fine apparel, coming to an assembly and being given more welcome and acceptance than a poor man in vile raiment. The truth is that a hobo or homeless person who was dirty and didn't have fancy clothes to wear probably wouldn't be welcome in a lot of churches today at all.

In the same way a lot of modern Christians are accepting the rich Israelis, many of whom are B,naii B'riith Masonic Lodge members, while rejecting their poor Arab and Moslem neighbors. I think a part of this is that a lot of modern day US Christian church leaders are freemasons themselves, and that teaches them a kind of pride and elitism contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible.

I listened to part of one of Hal Lindsey's TV program awhile ago where he was taking a 100% biased position toward Israel in it's recent invasion of Gaza, even including giving out some information that was false, and I thought that the Bible teaches that Christians are to be impartial, and should certainly not be siding in with the rich and powerful against the poor and weak.

The Bible teaches that if "ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin." James 2:9. The Bible further teaches that "He that committeth sin is of the devil." 1 John 3:8. James chapter 5 tells the rich men of these last days, and that would include most Jews as well as many modern Christians, to "weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you."

We know by reading through the New Testament that the early church, made up almost completely of converted Jews, was not taking this kind of bias toward the Jews that we see today. Converted Jew the Apostle Paul wrote of them in 1 Thessalonians 2:15, "Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men."

I don't understand why so many Christians today are so political any way, except that they are following men instead of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Jesus Christ said His kingdom was not of this world. But any way this same Hal Lindsey it turns out has been divorced three times and is now married to his fourth wife.

Chris Hall of Christianity Today remembers hearing Lindsey teach the Bible on Wednesday nights in the 1960s at UCLA until Chris got disillusioned when Lindsey and others in his group got into "self-indulgence: lax sexual conduct, materialism, divorce, substance abuse." See ... aught.html
Hi there. Thanks for posting this. There is now a copy of this in our End Times Forum too. You may start receiving post replys from both Forums, or not. This is the first time I even copied a post and placed it into another Forum. LOL

In the case of divorce/adultery/many wives of Hal Lindsey, or anyone else, who has had that happen to them :

And I suppose the person who wrote that article also believes that the women at the well who had 5 husband ( John 4:18 ) was not forgiven for her past either? OR, how about the scriptures depicting the woman who was dragged in front of Jesus being accused of adultery, to be stoned to death because the religious leaders caught her in the act ( John 8: 1-11 ), was she too not forgiven? :confused

IN the case against those who speak out against corrupt politics:

. And I suppose Moses was out of line speaking out against the Pharaoh of Egypt saying, "Let my people go..." ? Or, could it be that God doesn't use people to cry out against those who intend evil against his people? :confused

Then I suggest the author of that article and those who are so adamant on bashing Hal Lindsey for being married more than one time or speaking out against politicians gone bad, to read the bible again. The bible is full of examples of Father God using people as a means to accomplish His purpose.
and frankly, I don't believe we are to sit idle by and not speak out.

It's not just speaking out against "politics". It's about speaking out against those who are corrupt and out of line with the principles of The Holy, Righteous, Just, Loving, Forgiving, Merciful and Gracious Father (Spirit) God. Jesus even spoke out against those who were out of line with respect to The All Mighty and Holy Word of God. He used a whip and upset tables when merchants were trading and selling in his Father's house of worship. Jesus was not silent or passive, except for when he knew it was time for his ultimate sacrifice for the sake of a means of Salvation for those who would come to repentance. Otherwise, he spoke out vehemently against anyone who transgressed the Holy Word of Father God.
Yes, Jesus did speak of not committing adultery, but OH PLEASE, the writer of that article and whomever wrote those comments about how many times Hal Lindsey was divorced also neglected to mention the fact that there are also those many times we are to forgive each other for the sins we ALL have made. And Jesus does not condemn people for their past sins but professes them to go and sin no more. He also professed for us to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Also, has the author of the article forgotten about those examples of the mercy and forgiveness of Father God, as we read in the bible, in which Jesus professed to Peter for us to forgive our brother seventy times seven for their sins against us? That seventy times seven example is relevant for many types of situations, not just the example Jesus used for the forgiveness of monetary debt. If that were the case, then that would make the forgiveness of God selective in cases where forgiveness of the sins/transgression of others against us, and of our own sins against others were concerned.

In regard to having a voice in this world:

It saddens me to think, there are some "Christians" who think we need to be not involved in protesting against "the governments business". I am saddened by their stance, because I believe they couldn't be anymore wrong about that. :grumpy We are not to stand idle by and not speak out against the perversions being proposed or set to establishment. Of course we are not "of" this world, but the Lord never said to not speak out against the evils in this world. IF that were the case then all the books in the bible would be null and void because they ALL speak out against the evils in this world.

God have mercy! :pray
I know divorce and remarriage are very common today, and is now accepted by most of the churches. When I was a child there was a lot more opposition to it by all of the churches, and divorce was a LOT less common. Although Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is pretty tough to keep Jesus Christ did say, "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery." It's tough to keep, but I think it's safest to stay single if you've been divorced. "Art thou loosed from a wife? Seek not a wife."
As to being pro-Israel and anti- Muslem;
I agree with Lindsey on this.
The WORD tells us to love our enemies, it doesn't say not to realize that they are enemies.
Muslems are the enemy of Christians and Jews.

As to ploiticians who are against the WORD of GOD,
I'm for every voice speaking against them.

As to how many wives a man has or has had;
YHWH will judge that, not me.

As to the Late Great Planet Earth = NOW me and Hal got problems!
I can't see how TBN puts Hal on as their "expert on Bible prophecy" when his numerous "prophecies"of a pre-trib rapture have all come to nothing;
most notable the 1988 rapture he "prophesied" in The Late Great Planet Earth.
I've watched his program at times; and while "sometimes" being in agreement with his thoughtline,
I have a problem with the presentation;
it's fear driven,
and I have not been given the spirit of fear!

I do not recgonize Hal as a prophet;
I do see him as a false prophet.
I have problems with a network/group that sees a false prophet as an expert on Bible prophecy.
I will not be motivated to accept doctrine driven by fear.

the only fear we should have is the reverence in the fear of the one GOD


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