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[__ Prayer __] Leaving a friend behind


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Praying 🙏
This is a hard one. I lost all of my friends after conversion. It was…ridiculous. Now I have one unbeliever friend who reentered my life because she felt like it I guess? But with the darkness vs light in mind there’s a real limit to the friendship…

And that’s for the best.
Praying 🤲 for you…
You know the situation best and maybe it's for the best for all I know, but I don't think we need to cut off all nonbelievers from friendship just on principle
I would like prayers because im leaving an old friend of a couple years behind because she doesnt believe in God. Shes doesn't believe in Jesus and i dont want to have to continue a friendship with her when it says not to. It does more harm then good.
Hello blessedly_me23:
I'm just an old believer in Jesus now, but if I could pass this along to you. Are you afraid your friend was going to lead you down a wrong path? Did your friend have a problem with you being a Christian? Did your friend ever hide something to you that could be harmful to you not knowing about?
If not those things be her friend. We should be the best friends people have. 😊 well second best friend sorry Lord 😂
No, it's that sometimes when I need help she refuses to use God as help for me. She makes it seems like it's fun to not believe in God and that's how she gets through things, like shes trying to get me to say forget it and not believe . She talks about me behind my back and I'm just tired of the abuse I feel shes putting me through. The mistreatment I get from her is abuse.
Our friends also may find out what it feels like to be mocked. That's when to be there for our friends.

Once you were like sheep
who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls. 1Pet.2:25 NLT

He knew how it felt way more than anybody,

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isa.53:3 KJV
I have aquanteses, friends, safety net, family and core friends. Bad company curropts good character. That is why I have this way. Got to guard your heart and becareful who you spend your most time with especially if married or married and have children.


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