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Bible Study Leviticus 27:10, 33


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don't quite understand this...

These particular verses are speaking about animals that are being vowed to God. It says that they are not to substitute, BUT if they do substitute...

Why does it command no substitutes but then seem to allow for one?

If you go back into chapter 26 it is about obedience and blessings OR disobedience and punishment. Why does that seem to change in this chapter?
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Welcome to the boards bhoup! Good to have you here. :)

It appears to me that since this is dealing with vows (vs. 2), that this allows for dealing with rash vows as well, that may not be able to actually be carried out to the letter by the vower. Thus God in his mercy allows a pardon of sorts to allow them to make a substitution with a "penalty/compensation" of 1/5 the price of the substitute added to it ("adding a fifth of the value to it" vs. 27). An example might be that the person rashly vowed a bull or ox (the most expensive of the live stock) to God, but when time came to pay he could only afford a goat (this is also why the Law of the 5 offerings in Leviticus chapters 1-5 have 3 different animals acceptable for each sacrifice: the bull, goat (or sheep), and dove, for those who could not sometimes afford the more expensive animal like the bull [the poor] and instead use the doves). Instead of God simply punishing the person, God is merciful to be understanding and compassionate and will allow such a substitution if necessary (basically a last resort measure). That is my evaluation of the law anyway. I might be able to look at this in more depth later if you have any further questions.

Hope that helps.

God Bless,


ok what is a vow befor God?

a vow is a promise to do this thing or bring that thing befor God - and is as unbreakable as the maridge vows.

these verses are speaking of not only animal sacrifices witch were in themselves types of Jesus but also of the offering of people for Gods service .

check out this link for Bible gate way by a chap called Mathew Henry ... 2&schap=27

hope of some help

oh yeah a tip I got told - look at the verse in the context of the chapter then the book then the rest of the Bible - doing this you will get a good rounded veiw

dza devlefa


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