Judahson said:
"Listen," says the Lord, "and I will tell you what is coming;.....
'NIGHT, black like never before, is coming'."
"I have warned, but My children have not listened,... few are ready.
Few have dared to understand and believe.
Few have sought Me in this last hour.
The cry will be great,... the mourning emmense."
"Like sheep gone astray are My children.
Like prodigals in the night, always searching to fill their lust."
"Cry out(My son),... lift your voice, though they will not listen.
Cry out,... for your obedience will save you from the night which is coming."
"My little ones,... 'walk in My ways, that you might be spared'."
A few things come to mind.
First, it paints god as a God that has failed in his children. God says he is the one working in us to will and to do for his good pleasure and here in the message above he is unhappy because he is not getting it right? We are his workmanship and god's work in us is perfect every step of the way. To ready ourselves means the opposite to what the world thinks it means to 'ready' yourself. To ready yourself in the world, means you have to DO something to prepare. But in the kingdom making yourself ready, means you stop trying to do it yourself, but to let god make you ready. None of our self-efforts will meet the standards of god.
Anything that will stand the test of time, is what he has done in us, not what we can ever possibly do by ourselves. He chose us from the foundation of the world to be conformed into the image of his son. The image of his son, is his desire for god. And so the little children are those who desire their father and that desire their saviour. When you have this desire for god, sin takes a back seat in priority. The glory of god's grace is precisely shown by the fact that whatever we do, and no matter how much we might mess up, we still have this desire for god that keeps on pulling us towards him. That is the saving grace of god, and that is what god has successfully accomplished in his real children.
All of the OT rituals and all of the external laws have been shown to be far less in glory than one single child of god that desires him. So god has not failed. If you are his kid you are desiring him, and you are therefore a perfect work of god, because, to MAKE you a child that desires god, instead of a child that wants to obey rules to be accepted by your father, he has already made you into what 99% of jews could not be. Hungry for god.
In short i do not agree with the premise of the OP. I feel that God is not warning his children, god is the one who makes his children what he wants them to be, and if he has successfully made you to desire him more than anything in this world, he has not failed. How can he?
I appologise if this means i have stpeped on any tes.