My whole life, I have lived in fear. I am tired of it because it makes me miserable because I"m constantly worried about something. For instance; I am constantly afraid that my husband of 2 1/2 years is going to leave me, cheat on me, or something else. I am making him miserable because I don't trust him. I have no reason to not trust him so far as fas as cheating goes because he's never given me a reason. The thing is, my very first boyfriend cheated on me as did my second and my husband is only the 3rd guy I've been with. My step-dad cheated on my mom, my grandpa cheated on my grandma, my aunt cheated on my uncle, etc.... It's obvious why I have major trust issues with men and because of all the men in the past, my husband has to suffer for it. I've tried my hardest to work on my trust issue with him but every time something little comes up like him not kissing me bye in the morning before he leaves for work, which by the way he has done for 2 1/2 years and only missed two days so far and those two days I freaked out on him. He always thinks I'm making a big deal out of nothing but he doesn't understand why I have this trust issue. I've tried to explain it to him but he just doesn't get it. It doesn't help that he has an addiction to porn, which I know just about every man does but that doesn't help the trust issue. I just wish I wouldn't get so upset over the smallest things because I know eventually it's going to run him off and I don't want to lose a good thing. My husband is a very good person, he makes mistakes like everyone else, but I put him up on this pedestal because of the kind of person he is so when he does mess up, I get really upset. There are days that I'm just so positive that he loves me and then the days that maybe he's not as affectionate, I started second guessing. I would go into detail about how he is such a wonderful guy, but that would take too long. I know it could be alot worse. I could be a wife that's beaten everyday and controlled but he is not at all like that. He is totally opposite. He's never laid a hand on me and honestly my temper is much worse than his. I expect him to do the same exact things everyday and when he doesn't I start thinking things. He's always with me unless he's at work. He doesn't even go hang out with other guys and I don't hang out with other girls. I really don't know why it's this way because he's a very outgoing, social person. I just want to know if anyone else stuggles with trust problems or if anyone has any good advice to deal with his before I make a mistake that I regret.