Gary asks,'' would would the bombers kill so many people? well , I would like to ask you the same question?
Iraq, did nothing to America
America hungry for oil
Iraq, BOMB< BOMB! BOMB! 25.000 iraqies died since war began
No America still hungry for blood, it wants to also move to iran and syria.
Palenstine, trying to live in their own home, israel so small need more space to complete their ornaments,
America supplies israel , BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB!!! we want more land.
Palestine, we want to live in peace.
Meanwhile back in Iraq, bush is pulling on his gray hair and smacking his monkey looking face, NOOOOOOOOOOO, those SO CALLED terrorist are destroying my plan. But little did most Americans know, all those so called terrorists where doing was fighting for their land, for their right, how can you even call them terrorists, terrorist are people who start terror, not people who resist it.
So, gary why are the Americans bombing the innocent. OH yes because of people like you who hate muslims and want the oil since that would be an up for the muslims.